Social Agent Man

I wrote a post in December titled Why do a weblog in which I incautiously said, ” You can also become an agent for social change.” The inimitable Ironbear immediately commented, suggesting a song title of Social Agent Man.

Several months went by and now he has returned with the lyrics. His creation appears as comments to my original post, but it is so good that I feel it deserves a post of its own. I think you will agree that he has written a song celebrating the unique power and perils of blogging. It can be sung to the melody of Secret Agent Man.

“Oh now
There’s a man who is a word arranger –
His essays have become a social danger!
With every post he makes another world he shakes.
But the odds are he won’t post until tomorrow…

Social Agent Man! Social Agent Man!
They’ve given you a blog – you’re on the road to fame.

Beware of turns of phrase you find attractive –
For every turn of phrase beomes reactive!
Oh becareful what you say…
Or they might take you away –
And the odds are you won’t live to post tomorrow!

Social Agent Man! Social Agent Man!
They’ve given you a blog – and now they flame your name.

—– lead guitar bridge —-

Social Agent Man! Social Agent Man!
They’ve given you a blog – and everybody wants your fame!

Catapulted by the InstaLaunches one day –
Delinked by every leftwing blogger next day…
Oh no – you let the wrong post slip –
The wrong sacred cow you’ve tripped
Odds are that you’re yesterdays news until tomorrow.

Social Agent Man! Social Agent Man!
They’ve given you a blog so you can shape the culture games.

Social A-gent Man…”


Posted by: Ironbear at March 1, 2004 02:33 AM

If you want to see the unexpurgated annotated version of this song with all of the additional hyperlinks needed to twist your head completely, link on over to Who Tends the Fires and see the version he posted.

Ironbear, your timing was great. I was hoping to show the effects that could be created by new trackbacks to an ancient post.

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