The times, they are a-changing…

14-year-old Cecile DuBois brought the light of public scrutiny into her Los Angeles classroom when she wrote in her weblog about her teacher ridiculing her in front of other students. I wrote a post on this affair and so did many others.

Now her mother, Cathy Seipp, has written an article for the National Review on what has happened in the ensuing days. This is the beginning of a paradigm shift that is likely to change some venerable institutions.

Cathy writes:

My 14-year-old blogger daughter got Instalanched* last week, after she wrote about how her English teacher had ridiculed her in front of the class for writing an un-p.c. paper.
I’ve heard what happens when the mighty Instapundit’s Glenn Reynolds links you but never seen it up close, and it really is amazing: From 100 hits a day (typical for a teenager’s blog) to 100 an hour, with links to dozens of other blogs and almost 200 posted comments from Edinburgh to Auckland.

*(Getting “Instalanched” refers to the flood of traffic that comes from getting mentioned on

Cathy also made this observation:

Blogging is essentially an unregulated, free-agent activity, and that can drive people who prefer rules and regulations and decision-by-committee crazy.

Read her article . It will uplift you or instill fear, depending on who you are. You should also read another post she wrote on her daughter’s experience. I found it to be inspiring.

Thanks to Instapundit for the link.

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