Weekly roundup – well-deserved acknowledgements and other choice bits

The Commissar made my week when he listed me in his Blogger’s Bestiary, an imaged collection of some of the Commissar’s favorite blogs.

I have not been able to browse through my favorite blogs this week because I was loading all of my apps and my files on to a new computer. The old and faithful e-machine had been spontaneously rebooting every few hours and I decided to bite the bullet and spring for a newer, faster,etc. computer. On the second day of the transfer, the new computer, my first non-e-machine in 8 years, started hanging up. Power off and reboot seemed to get it going again, but it failed several times more and quit for good.

It was an HP Pavillion, an a410n, and I returned it to Office Depot with about 20 gigabytes of my files on it, because I couldn’t access them to erase them. I then had to spend several hours changing all of the passwords on a dozen on-line accounts. I couldn’t get a reeplacement, since there were no more in stock. I will wait and get an e-machine next time. They have never failed us and we have bought seven of them.

I have seen more alarming news this week than I wanted, so it is always a pleasure to escape to blogs where hilarity and good humor prevail. A few of my favorite sites for mood adjustment are: Pioneer Woman with Cellphone, in which Melissa describes her efforts at writing a novel; LeeAnn’s, The Cheese Stands Alone, which contains delightfully surreal humor; and my favorite mood lifter, Chris Muir’s laid-back cartoon blog Day by Day.

Now – I’m ready for Friday!

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