Lighten up and live longer – part 3

I have seen many posts lately by people who are finding themselves in a bad mood from a variety of reasons: lack of employment, a disintegrating relationship, the cold weather, even a touch of flu.

The cause really doesn’t matter. The important thing is to take action and get out of any bad mood as quickly as possible. Bad moods affect your vitality and are detrimental to your health. Staying in a bad mood to let everyone know how upset you are is like shooting yourself in the foot.

Here is a short list of things you might want to do if you’re feeling less than your usual self: (If you’re feeling great, try this on someone who is not doing as well as you are.)

1. First, get some sleep. Forget the TV, skip the tour of your favorite websites, just take a hot shower and sleep for as long as you can.

2. Take vitamins and eat frequent light meals. Avoid heavy meals. Cut back on drinking and smoking. Get some sort of exercise, even if it is a short walk around your neighborhood.

3. Put some balance into your life. Make sure you have time for yourself. Make sure you have time for others.

4. Let somebody know you care about them. They will appreciate it and you will feel much better. If you can actually help them, it will help you feel much better.

5. If there is something in your life that is bothering you and it won’t go away, find some small part of it that you can look at without getting upset or overwhelmed.

Figure out what you can do about that small part and leave the rest alone for now.

6. Find some small part of your life you can organize and organize it.

7. Set a modest goal and get some work done. It will help your morale.

8. Do steps 1-8 again until you feel better and are ready to resume normal programming.

One last point, always make sure you look up words you don’t understand. Trying to work or study when there are any words you don’t understand will make your life a blur of pain and unconsciousness. You will feel stupid and resentful and this will interfere with any attempt to improve your mood.

Give yourself every advantage and lighten up. You are important to those who depend on you.

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