Making Ripples is now on WordPress

This blog is almost 10 years old and I migrated it from Typepad today so that I could update it as easily as my other websites. This will enable me to update it on a regular basis and share the good things we see and experience in Floyd County.

The other reason for the upgrade is that I can now provide a search function which will search the 1498 posts and produce instant results. Without a working search function, the main value of a blog, the capture of history,  is missing.

I can search for life in Palmyra where we used to live and come up with this timeless moment which will shine forever in my memory:

Life in Palmyra

August-PalmyraClick on image to enlarge

A few years ago, while trying to effect changes at Sun Microsystems, I thought to myself that there had to be more to life than endless meetings and glacial progress on programs of doubtful longevity.

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This new version of the website is still being tweaked, so I am open to any suggestions that will make it easier to use. Thanks for sticking with me through the long drought of new posts.

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