When a bill is written in a confusing fashion, it can be the result of
incompetence or guile. If sensible amendments to clarify the intent of
the bill are defeated, it is fair warning that dirty work is afoot. As many people have noticed, the things Obama SAYS he wants to accomplish could be
handled with a much simpler bill.
For those who insist that protesters are completely nuts in claiming that the Health Care Bill is going to ration healthcare, cover illegal aliens, and choose “favored” physicians, here is a list of 31 sensible amendments that have been DEFEATED by Pelosi and company.
It appears from a cursory reading that this 1300 page bill is huge only because there is so much pork to dole out and there are so many things like rationing of services that need to be hidden away from view.
Read Keeping a Bad Bill Bad from John Boehner and draw your own conclusions.
Democratic leaders blocked 31 common-sense changes to Health Care Bill H.R.3200. What would have been the result if all these amendments had passed?
One last example from life for those of you who do not understand what is going on here:
Have you ever had to sign a contract for a car or an apartment and objected to the language or penalties in some section of the contract because it didn't apply in your case?
In many cases, the person on the other side of the table will say, "Oh, don't worry about that! That's just standard boilerplate, it doesn't apply to you.
In those cases, I whip out my pen and suggest that we cross out that section and both initial the change.
If the person objects to the removal of this section that "doesn't really apply to me", I hand the contract back and make my exit. There is a hidden agenda and my suggestion exposed it.
H.R.3200 is full of hidden agendas. The proposed and defeated amendments reveal some of them.
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