There May Be A Common Reason Why Some Of You Are Experiencing Financial Difficulties

Me, after reading lame stream media fake news

Have you looked in the mirror lately? Are you the picture of good health? Do you radiate cheerfulness and a zest for life? Or, are you pushing through life trying to ignore an avalanche of bad news and traumatic events? If you immerse yourself in the sewage that passes for daily news every day, you are setting yourself up to scare off business.

The daily barrage of damaging news we hear everyday is not good for the human psyche. Every time we experience or hear about a traumatic event, we go into stress mode. Our mainstream media thrives on stressful news and if some event isn’t stressful, they can twist it so it appears horrifying or disgusting.

Media is rarely news any more. It is almost always opinion and this makes the people they are attacking feel stressed and resentful. Even if you are not one of the people named in a news article, reading or hearing it will leave you upset and this affects your health over time.

In such an atmosphere of distrust and hateful attacks, your ability to remain cheerful and productive suffers.

If you, like many business owners and independent operators need to promote yourself and your services to generate income, you are operating under a handicap when you are stressed and unhappy, because your physical appearance suffers and your health is not inspiring.

There is an adage in selling that has stood the test of time: Make friends first and then do business. If you are interested in the person you wish to do business with, you want to develop a personal relationship with them. If you are worried and upset with life, you are not going to be at your best and why would someone want to be your friend?

This is not about selling techniques, my message is that you will make friends more easily when you are happy and full of life. People will even ask what you do when you are a happy person who wants to help them.

If you immerse yourself in the spew of opinion and misinformation on Facebook and network news every day, you are going to load yourself down with confusions, frustrations and with gross misinformation which you cannot easily dispel.

When you attempt to attract business, you will still be carrying your frustrations and upsets with you and that is no way to make friends and attract new customers. An unending diet of pessimism and potential threats will affect your health and will damage your ability to be optimistic and creative as well.

Try avoiding news of all kinds on Facebook and on TV for several weeks and see if your mood doesn’t improve. If you are still stuck in discouragement, get some counseling and see what is holding you down. Unlock your creativity and your sociability and start generating opportunities for yourself and don’t be reasonable about sources of bad news and negativity. Avoid negativity from the media and from your day to day associates and you will see a difference in just a few days.

Me, after abstaining from reading fake news for a week.

Every client I have gotten to adopt this approach has seen an immediate uptrend in their customer traffic. When they learn how to maintain positive attitudes and intentions, their income hes increased also.

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