Country Life and Creativity

Franklin Pike-12 There are creative people everywhere, but it seems to me that there is more opportunity to appreciate creativity when one lives out in the country. This is certainly true in Floyd County, Virginia.

Notice, I did not say there was more time to enjoy the creativity of others. There just seems to be more opportunity to see that it is happening all around you.

In the past few weeks, I have been too busy framing pictures to write blog posts and upload pictures, but I have been able to capture some of the creative activities that make life in Floyd so interesting.

Houston Children  We went to Sweet Providence Farm Market & Bakery for some produce and we reaped the additional benefit of an impromptu concert by the Houston children, Amy, Cora and John.

Later we attended a reception at the Jacksonville Center for the Arts. The entries in this "On the Edge" exhibit ranged from humorous to poignant to simply stunning.

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A few nights later I saw Bob Rogers of Architectural Alternatives at the Jacksonville Center. I admire his continuing efforts to integrate architecture and life.

Bob-Rogers-ApproachBob Rogers

I am still trying to organize the various aspects of my life so I can appreciate more of this creative corner of Southwest Virginia.

I may not have free time to write, but I can still stop occasionally to appreciate the beauty of the country roads I travel.Franklin Pike-24

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