Using Your Special Abilities To Be A Better Teacher, Manager, And Friend

There is nothing worse than working with someone on an important matter and missing the fact that you have missed the mark in getting your point across, or even more upsetting, have somehow alienated the person you are working with.

If you have trained yourself to monitor the emotional tone levels of those you are talking to, this will not be a continuing concern. Any unexpected change in emotional tone will prompt you to check with the person and adjust what you are saying or doing to resume the desired level of affinity with the person.

By special abilities, I mean those abilities that go beyond the usual five human senses of touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste. Your ability to perceive emotions, intentions, attention, and other non-physical activities like affinity, can be trained to give you immediate feedback on what is happening in the other person’s universe.

To teach, or manage, or assist someone in a meaningful way, you need to communicate with them effectively. This communication is affected by your affinity with the person and the reality of what you are communicating. Unless there are acceptable affinity and reality, there will be no real communication. As far as the recipient is concerned, there will only be meaningless noise.

The special abilities that lie beyond the five human senses are present, to some degree, in almost everyone. It could be stated with some reality that these are spiritual abilities, and it seems that not all of them have been mapped and reduced to practice. We do know, however, that with a little practice, an interested person can develop his latent special abilities to such an extent that his ability to help others increases markedly.

A recognizable increase in ability is possible even without a real understanding of the underlying principles behind spiritual activity. All that is required is the willingness to drill handling of changes in affinity to get a satisfactory result when attempting to help others.

There is a great deal more that can be done once the basic principles are understood, but the most important step is to understand the necessity for using your special abilities. Once you start working to develop your ability to perceive affinity, you will become aware of many other special abilities that can be developed.

We will be discussing your special abilities this weekend in a free Saturday workshop and in the paid webinar on Sunday. If this is a topic you would like to explore, join me for a free workshop on Using Your Special Abilities on Saturday 2-29-2020 at 12 noon EDT on Zoom using this link:

Join me for a paid webinar on Developing and Using Your Special Abilities on Sunday 3-1-2020 at 12 noon EDT using this link:

There is a $10 donation for the webinar, and if you have not already paid, please use this link:

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