Simple Exercises To Become Aware Of Your OWN Life Force

This exercise may change your viewpoint on life from an effect viewpoint to a cause viewpoint.

What we know so far:

Life Force is the energy produced by spirits and animates all living things. Life force is known by more than 66 names: Qi, Chi, Prana, etc., but all names mean the energy that animates all living things.

Life force can be felt and observed. Every part of a living body emanates life force. When a body is damaged or dying, the life force is lessened or absent.

All living things emanate life force in proportion to their spiritual health. As living organisms dwindle from joyous exultation down to apathy and non-existence, they emanate less and less life force.

I had also written:

There are as many different ways to encourage the production of life force as there are ways to encourage spiritual welfare. Conversely, emotional attacks on the life force animating the body will damage the health of the body.

I recently realized that all of this was looking at your life force from an EFFECT viewpoint. If you got admiration and good strokes, your life force increased and if people were mean to you, your life force decreased. Boo Hoo! We live in a mean and hostile universe, so what are we to do?

Maybe if we use Spiritual Rescue Technology, SRT, technology on ourselves we might find an answer, and yes, the answer is to do some research and live experiments to see what we can do.

My first step was to reread my article, Simple Exercises to Increase Your awareness of Life Forces and my second step was to run the exercise on me and my body. I was feeling kind of blah and my normal routine would have been to take a nap until I felt more energetic. Looking at my life force made me realize that I was not really monitoring my life energy levels and was just in the habit of eating or sleeping to make myself feel better. In other words, I was finding an external stimulus to improve the state of my life force. That meant I was operating at an effect viewpoint since I was using external stimuli to change my life force level.

I felt it would be worthwhile to see if I could change my life force level by doing something or creating an effect by using my life force to accomplish something with no change in what I was experiencing. I chose to do some exercise on my recumbent bike with the intention that it should wake me up and make me feel better.

I wanted to set this first experiment up as low-level exercise so I set the effort level at 4, out of a possible 16, and I pedaled slowly for 5 minutes. I was careful to keep the effort low and the time period short so I would not get tired. When I stopped, I immediately noticed that my life force had increased markedly and I felt very cheerful so my life energy had changed also. 

This gave me the idea that maybe regular exercise goals were not being set correctly. Most of the goals I had read about were set to achieve increases in strength as a way to promote health. Perhaps setting targets for increasing life force instead of strength might produce better results with less effort.

On the other hand, there is work to be done in preventing loss of life force. I was asked to do something and I took it seriously and produced what I thought was needed and wanted in a relatively short time. When I delivered the final product, the response was underwhelming, to say the least. My life force took a hit and my emotional tone level went further down than it had in the previous week. My conversation at that point reflected my lowered life force and my lowered emotional tone and neither I nor the person I was talking to received any benefit from the conversation.

I should have done some exercise at that point to bring myself back to normal, but I did some necessary work instead and that worked almost as well. When my life force finally returned to a normal level, I was ready for some creative activity and that raised my life energy levels to the point where I could see what I had done wrong to deliver a product that was not wanted. I had delivered a property analysis as I had done several times before, but I failed to ask what was required for this particular property. This is a classic error, delivering an unwanted product or service and it creates resentment both in the giver and the recipient. 

In society in general, unwanted help rebounds on the giver, sometimes fatally. It always leaves bad feelings between the parties involved and can be avoided, if the person desiring to help takes the time to find out what exactly is being asked for. Making assumptions about the usefulness of your help is a sure route to disaster. It will lower the life forces of all involved every time.

My takeaway from these two exercises is that monitoring one’s own life force is vital to make sure that what you do maximizes your life force at all times. If your life force is low, you need to take action of a physical or creative nature to raise it.

If you are taking action for the benefit of another, you need to deliver exactly what is needed and wanted. If it is not what is needed, you will receive condemnation instead of acknowledgment and admiration, so it makes sense to make sure it is really needed and wanted before you deliver it.

Do everything possible to increase your life force and to operate with positive life energy. If you are aware of the life force and life energies of the people you are dealing with, you will be better prepared to communicate effectively with them.

Ideally, personal and business exchanges between people should raise life forces and increase life energies of all kinds. If that is not happening, something has been missed and this article should be restudied.

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