All Life Is Connected

As you become more and more aware of life forces, you may begin to realize that spirits are everywhere. Anything that is alive has a spirit animating it and has the capability of communicating and being communicated with.

girl dancing with doves

You, who are reading this are presumably human, and you may have felt that only human beings have spirits animating them. If you continue your meditation and your spiritual awareness increases, you may begin to realize that you can perceive life force when it occurs in animals and plants, and even insects. At some point, you may begin to realize that life force is generated by spirits and that spirits are everywhere. You may even begin to realize that you can perceive intentions from these spirits even though they are not in human bodies.

I am not asking you to believe anything. I am only suggesting that you observe what you are observing. If you take the time to notice your environment, you may begin to notice that living things seem different than dead things. It is not just a difference in color or smell, living things radiate life force and dead things are simply inert. As something transitions from a living state to a state of body death, its movement stops, and finally, it stops radiating life force or life energy, if you prefer.

All living things, even cells seem to radiate intention of some sort. Intention is not one of the five human senses, so science cannot measure it directly. Intention can only be detected by its physical universe result. The fact that you can perceive intentions should give you a clue that you possess abilities that are beyond physical universe constraints. You can also perceive attention and admiration which are non-physical universe activities. The only thing visible on a material universe basis are the results of these actions on a body.

Eventually, you may reach the conclusion that every living thing is animated by a spirit or a group of spirits. When you truly understand this, you may begin to receive communication from these spirits and your viewpoint on life will expand enormously. You may begin to realize that your cat or your dog has intentions and they are trying to communicate them through actions or gestures since you are not picking up their intentions. Those of us who recognize that our pet animals are spirits like us often notice that these animals seem to pick up our intentions. In some cases, our animals develop the ability to project their intentions to us without making any noises or taking any actions. Those of you who have woken up in the middle of the night with a cat staring at you know what I mean. Others may have to take it on faith.

Once you recognize that every living thing has spirits activating it, you may begin to realize your kinship with life on this planet. Certain indigenous people recognize this kinship and appropriately honor those animals that they kill and eat for food and apparel. Some who raise animals for a living seem to honor the spirits of the animals in their care.

People who raise plants as a hobby show a great deal of affinity for their plants and the plants respond to that affinity and admiration. My wife, Gretchen, communicates with most of her plants every day and admires every new growth as it appears. The plants that do not receive her daily communication do not do as well and are not as healthy.

Spirits respond to admiration and to hostile thoughts as well. I remember a teenager who almost killed an enormous ficus tree by directing hate thoughts at it until I asked the tree what was wrong and found who was cursing it. I confronted the teenager and she stopped her destructive thoughts and the tree recovered completely.

When we recognize our connection to all living things, even plants, and insects, our treatment of them changes and we tend to look for solutions that are beneficial to all or are at least not harmful.

At one time we experienced an ant infestation in a home we lived in. I sensed that the nest and the spirit that was activating it was located outside the house. I cornered one of the exploring ants and got the attention of the queen by frustrating its attempt to escape. This seemed to be a case of one spirit animating an entire ant nest, so when I got its attention I told it I would only kill the ants who invaded the house and would not bother the nest if it kept all of the ants outside the house. Three days later, I knew I was successful as the ants were gone and we now had silverfish instead.

If we recognize our kinship with other living things, we can figure out ways to live in harmony with them instead of opposing them. We can develop this harmony by communicating with the spirits of these living things and working out ways to work together for our mutual benefit. If we fail to recognize our kinship with the life in our environment, we create counter-intention on all sides and end up with a poisoned environment and diminished survival.

When we recognize that all life is connected, our lives are happier and more enjoyable.

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