Create The Future You Deserve

Learn to recognize intentions and find those which align with yours.

This was intentionally created

Let me start by suggesting that every part of the physical universe has been created by intentions. From the foods you eat to the car you drive to the clothes you wear, every one of these was intentionally created to create an effect and to be used. The neighborhood you live in has been created by the intentions of those who chose to live there.

I have discovered that it is easier to accomplish something with the assistance of people who intend to help you than it is to change people’s intentions. If you look at your past successes, you will find that you had more people helping you than were opposing you. Those successes which you gained after years of struggle involved overcoming opposing intentions. I am suggesting from hard-won experience that achieving a result is made easier by finding and aligning yourself with intentions that agree with yours. Trying to overcome established intentions that oppose you and your intentions creates a difficult game indeed.

Successful business people of all kinds and political leaders recognize intentions that are aligned with what they want to accomplish and they cultivate them and encourage these intentions to support the cause they have chosen. They do not waste time trying to convert those with opposing intentions as there is a deep-seated reason for those opposing intentions and these are not easily handled.
The future is created by the intentions of all who will participate and that is why it is hard to predict the results of an unsurveyed group. If you reach out and survey all of the intentions of a group, you can generally predict what they are about to do.

If you ignore those intentions that do not align with your intentions, you are likely to fail to the extent you have misread the intentions being directed toward an objective. If you concentrate on collecting support from those whose intentions align with yours, you will generally achieve your joint objectives if your team is more numerous than the opposing team.

Introducing any change will disturb the existing scene. Those who benefit from the existing scene will resist any change. If you are about to introduce a change of any kind, you need to find those who are dissatisfied with the present state of affairs and organize them until they become a majority with the power to implement the changes you desire. If you spend any time and energy on making those who want no change wrong, you will be wasting that time and energy and will be building up resentment that increases resistance to what you intend to do.

Let us take the matter of increasing spiritual awareness. Those of us who can recognize and communicate with spirits see the incredible benefits that come when spirits assist us in our daily endeavors. Naturally, we would like to see the rest of our family members experience these benefits, but all too often, we get reviled by those who feel that our “interactions with demons” will bring calamity to us and our families. These people have been taught by their parents or well-meaning religious figures that spirits are evil and nasty and whatever.

If we make any effort to make these well-meaning people wrong, we can make enemies for life. If we can acknowledge their concerns without agreeing with them they generally withdraw from us and treat us as a problem that cannot be solved. We need to treat them in the same way.

We need to concentrate on finding like-minded people who are after the same results we are. We need to gather them up and make friends with them and work toward mutually agreeable goals. We also need to keep members of this group of allies from antagonizing people who do not have aligned goals. We need to focus on creating the future we want and not on bashing those who are opposed to that future.

Those people who are afraid of change have good reason to fear change and you do not have the time and resources to correct what has happened to them to cause them to be this way. You need to channel your energy toward identifying and collecting allies for whatever action you are trying to perform.

Let us say your objective is to get married or to move out and pursue a career, if you spend your time trying to convince your resistant family, you are not going to be doing what you need to move out or to develop a lasting relationship with someone. To be successful, you must find those who are aligned with you and use their help in accomplishing your goals.

Let’s say you live in a dangerous and decaying neighborhood. You will probably do better by finding a way to move elsewhere than to spend all of your efforts trying to get your neighbors to stop doing drugs and living a criminal existence. On the other hand, if other neighbors are trying for a better life, you can work wonders by working together and changing the conditions of your neighborhood. This will go well except where you are trying to make the criminal element wrong. Nobody likes to be made wrong so if your attempts to make the world a better place are making others wrong, you need to work things out so your activity is not perceived as an attack on those who want things to remain the same.

To sum things up, if you want to create a change, find others who want and agree with that change and work with them to achieve that change. Do not spend time making others wrong for opposing the change. If the change is desirable, it will provide opportunities that others will recognize as beneficial and the opposition may vanish of its own accord.

This approach works on a personal and neighborhood level and I am sure it works at a much larger global level when it is applied. Focus on the positive aspects with aligned people and waste no time on those who attempt to oppose your goals. Putting any attention on those who oppose you will only create enemies.

If you look at any of your failed projects, I have the feeling you created enemies and failed to enlist allies. Try this approach of locating aligned intentions and see if you have more success.

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