Creating A Spiritual Rescue Technology Community – Part Two

Communities are developed based on something participants share in common. People join a community for mutual support and protection and as they work together in harmony, they can develop a joint identity. The English-language word “community” derives from the Latin communitas “community”, “public spirit” (from Latin communis, “common”).

People who have learned and use Spiritual Rescue Technology (SRT) soon find themselves with an expanded awareness of a spiritual realm that is influencing and even controlling most citizens in the vast majority of modern civilizations. If they try to share their discoveries and realizations with friends and family, they will find themselves ostracized if not actively attacked.

SRT users can even encounter the same lack of rapport when trying to share their discoveries with lightworkers and other spiritual healers, as they will find many who have only a narrow view of the spiritual realm as interpreted by their teachers or their church. SRT users can converse with other spiritual workers and mediums, but their discussions are limited to the beliefs other spiritualists and lightworkers can accept.

Spiritual Rescue Technology is not limited in its scope or its reach by any belief system. It is a technology and can be expanded by anyone who cares to look at spirits and report on what they can do and contribute. There are no mysteries in Spiritual Rescue Technology, only phenomena which can be duplicated and reproduced at will. Open exchange of information is vital in SRT counseling and research, as that is how observations are validated and confirmed. This is why a community of users is essential to strengthen the impact of SRT on society. Unvalidated observations are dependent on a belief in the integrity of the original observer and are no more useful than a religious belief system.

A technology is a body of knowledge, not a collection of beliefs. Technology is the practical application of knowledge, especially in a particular area. Spiritual Rescue Technology involves the application of knowledge to raise the awareness of all beings and get them to work in harmony. There are other organizations with similar goals, but their methodology involves beliefs and restrictions on observations and activities. A community of SRT users can ensure that our technology stays free and provides support to all members. The alternate name for the Spiritual Rescue Technology Community is the SRT Community and can be used freely when needed for clarity.

As a founding member of the Spiritual Rescue Technology Community, I propose that we operate with the following agreements. Your participation will involve refining and extending these agreements as necessary.


1 Spirits are immortal and animate every living thing in the material universe. For the purpose of this agreement, the terms spirit, spiritual being, and being, all mean the living thought described in the previous sentence and can be considered to be fully interchangeable.

2 Spiritual Rescue Technology involves the application of knowledge to raise the awareness of all spirits and get them to work in harmony.

3 THE IMPORTANCE OF FREE WILL – Members of the SRT Community are required to exercise their free will in being part of this community. If you do not agree to this you are not part of the community. Nothing about this community is cast in stone. If you discover information that negates prior observations, it is your duty to bring this information to the rest of the community. If you discover inconsistencies in prior observations or documentation, it is your duty as a community member to see these inconsistencies are resolved. 

4 Spiritual Rescue Technology Community members may self-identify themselves by Division (Awareness Levels) and Experience (Training Level) when asked. 

5 The currently proposed Divisions of the SRT Community are related to awareness levels and are defined as follows: All Division, Human Counseling, Healing, Spoon Bending (Material Universe Effects), Extra-Planetary Concerns, Animal Life (Other than Human), Vegetation (The Plant Community), Life Force research, Community Membership and Recruiting, and Community Public Relations. 

6 The current Experience (Training) Levels are General Mastery, Division Mastery, Researcher, Practitioner, Solo Practitioner, Intern, and Student. Certification programs remain to be defined and staffed, but until these are in place, self-identification will suffice. 

7 Participation determines your membership in the SRT Community. Participation means: creating something together, sharing knowledge, and contributing to a common goal. You are an SRT Community member as long as you participate and support the agreements of the divisions you participate in, there are no other entrance requirements. When you no longer desire to participate, you are free to sever your membership in the SRT Community. If you stop participating and make public notice of this, you will no longer be included in mailings or any other communication from the community.

8 Spiritual Rescue Technology has opened the door to recovery of a great deal of knowledge about spirits and the history of life on this planet and others, but you are not expected to believe any of this until you make it true for yourself through observation and study. Because of the breadth and depth of the research done so far, it is expected that an individual will gain certainty in different areas of the spiritual realm at different times and this is why there are divisions of the SRT Community. A person may gain certainty that he is an immortal being, but be quite uncertain that his pets, plants, and insects are also immortal spirits. The divisions of the SRT Community provide safe spaces for those whose certainty does not cover the entire range of spiritual behavior. All members are welcome to explore the knowledge covered in all divisions, but should only be concerned with the knowledge they are certain about.

9 There are no topics involving spiritual activity that cannot be discussed. Every aspect of control of behavior on an individual or a population is open for examination and discussion. There are no ideas that are excluded from examination. It is entirely possible that a particular subject is barred to you by your spiritual companions who cannot confront that subject so it is incumbent upon every community member to detect and handle spirits who interfere with their pursuit of knowledge.

10 Organization of the community is subject to discussion and determination by the community at large, but top down management is not to be part of the community organization. Participation by all members is encouraged, but those who collect and share knowledge will be considered the opinion leaders to follow. Bottom up knowledge transmission is essential if the community is to survive and expand.

11 Community organization should be project-based with membership in various project groups determined by those desiring to participate. Some of the projects I envision are: recruiting, documentation, preservation of assets, ability research, creation of desirable effects at a distance, social research, life force research, society outreach projects, and SRT training and validation activities. There are many more including establishment of communities of other living things such as trees. I am sure there will be a desire from some members to establish an outreach to spiritual communities on other planets.

12 Spiritual Rescue Technology involves research, which is organized observations. Research is “creative and systematic work undertaken to increase the stock of knowledge”. It involves the collection, organization, and analysis of information to increase understanding of a topic or issue.

Research is a system of reaching and withdrawing to gather information and understand the purpose and intention of things. To be effective, this must focus on gathering information regardless of the source and not be limited to using the gathered data for a particular purpose.

As soon as there is a shift of focus from observing (research) to doing something with the data (applied technology), this compromises the ability to observe what is happening. The shift to using the data starts interfering with the collection of data and seeks to influence the production of data to support some external proposition or expressed need. Therefore, Spiritual Rescue Technology needs to keep its research function independent of the purposes of the applied technology function. Research, to be effective, must be able to observe and report on anything that occurs in its sphere of operation.

When research is seeking to observe phenomena not previously seen, setting boundaries on what can be acceptably observed and reported makes the research pointless. The only requirement for research observations is that they need to be duplicatable by other observers following the same or similar methodology under the same conditions.

13 Spiritual research involves perceptions beyond the five human senses and the nomenclature describing the perceptions is still evolving. When one “perceives” a thought or mental image picture, the language used to describe what is observed can vary with the observer and their prior experience with these observations. 

When observers have a chance to exchange ideas on what they experienced, other observers will see additional data points they may have missed the first time through. As observers put their attention on different parts of the incident, other observers can see the incident from a different perspective. A full discussion of an incident or a location, or a being will fill in data that was not observed in earlier reach and withdraw efforts.

If observations of spiritual events are done in an organized reach and withdraw fashion, the collection of data can be quite thorough and will leave little undiscovered. When a group does observations in a random fashion, a discussion of the results can still help fill in any gaps that may have occurred. The important thing to pay attention to is any observations that do not align with the other observations. Anomalies need to be investigated and resolved while observing a site or being of interest. If they cannot be resolved, they should be the topic of the next investigation.

14 Session data has indicated that our spiritual powers have diminished greatly over time. We beings created planets in the past and destroyed planets using our spiritual powers of intention. There is some indication that our current lack of ability is due to our holding ourselves back to prevent causing further damage. The overarching intention of the SRT Community is to enable spirits to regain the power they have lost and to learn how to avoid the errors of the past.

15 On this planet, we are surrounded by uncounted millions of disembodied spirits in varying states of awareness from possible godlike states down to existence as material objects. It is possible to communicate with these spirits using caring communication and increase their awareness. Caring communication is a necessity, not an option, to help beings to regain their previous power. 

16 We are in the process of recognizing that we are no longer individual spirits but are essentially communities of spirits who have been working in harmony for uncounted millennia and have formed personalities based on our intimate association over that time. As unique but composite personalities we need to recognize our composition and manage ourselves to increase our understanding and our power to produce results.

17 The SRT Community is dedicated to raising the awareness of ourselves as communities of spirits and raising awareness of other spirits and getting them to work with us in harmony so that each of us as individual communities of spirits can regain abilities we have lost over time. We are not treading the path of time as individuals. That route is no longer possible. We need to work as teams of spirits unified as coherent personalities and create a future that works for the benefit of all involved. We still need to determine whether the dwindling spiral of life can be reversed for a greater population.

# # #

This ends the general agreement section. There are additional agreements regarding spirits and what can be done with them. These will be covered in SRT Community articles still to be written. I would like your comments and suggestions for forming and operating the SRT community based on what you have read so far. 

ADDITIONAL NOTE: This article written to my private group on Facebook was marked as Spam so I posted this alternate version for my Facebook audience:

Double Plus Ungood Top Secret Post from SRT Community Central

Due to the infinite and obscure wisdom of the Facebook Monitors, my post on the SRT Community – Part Two to this private group has been declared SPAM and cannot be shown to the tender minds of my SRT community associates!

For those of you who would like to learn more about the SRT Community and the agreements which define it, please download the article from this address:

96.5 KB file on MEGA

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