Consider an ideal scene where you are working productively and successfully with all of your faculties at age ___

How many of you were inspired to take this Ideal Scene test that I posted on 2-12-23? It is simply asking you and your spiritual companions what your agreement is on how long you will be working productively.

I found it harder to do than I expected. I had initially planned to put the number 100 in the blank but kept having distractions and hesitations. My mind kept going in several different directions and I realized I was making no progress, except to prove that this was a really difficult test and I needed help taking it.

After making several false starts, I finally threw it over to my active spiritual companions and after a few minutes, they came up with the number 97 and there was remarkable agreement within the group.

I immediately felt completely at ease using that number for planning purposes with the caveat that this number might be affected by outside activity of a spiritual or physical nature.

It created a sudden shift in my universe as I realized I have 9 years in which to get a lot of work done and this brought an unexpected sense of relief as I have been driving myself to document and disseminate what I have learned working with spirits. That is almost done now so I will be working to establish multiple websites where all of my materials and notes can be accessed at no cost.

I am going to relax and concentrate on bringing my clients up to the point where they have all of the abilities I am using now as that will keep Spiritual Rescue Technology in use for the foreseeable future.

I don’t plan to generate an SRT Grade Chart of Spiritual Abilities yet, but I will be highlighting what abilities you can gain from communicating with spirits in my future articles. It is not a short list and it is growing every week from delivering sessions so there should be lots to learn and experiment with in the future.

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