SRT WORKSHOP THIS SUNDAY – 5-12-24 – Prepare to take notes

Make sure you have pen and paper available when you join us for the Sunday Workshop.

If you participate in the workshop, you will discover things about your body that you may wish to handle in session later. We will be running exercises to spot harmful situations in each other in order to raise your ability to perceive and understand what is happening in another person.

If you participate in these exercises, you will be able to see the various sources of pain and discomfort in each other’s bodies and will be able to recognize your own body difficulties like never before. If you can follow the discussion on these different sources, you will be able to see what problems you are prepared to resolve and which others will require help from others.

Just to give you a hint of the material to be covered, we will be including a discussion of the past agreements you and your spiritual companions are still honoring even though they do not apply to this lifetime or this body. 

We hope to be able to bring you and your spiritual companions to present time by the conclusion of this workshop.

Join us using this link: by 12 noon Eastern time.

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