We are surrounded by spirits every moment of our lives as human beings. We have devoted several workshops to working with these spirits and I have written scores of articles about working with spirits, but I have failed to address the greater responsibility of managing these spirits for their benefit and ours
Only a few of our spiritual companions are ready and willing to work with us at any given time. Far too many have their attention and most of their life force stuck on some past incident and are likely to be triggered into unwanted action when we attempt to get some creative work done. Many disembodied spirits are fixated on some incident in which they lost their bodies or their sanity because they mis-estimated the effort required to get something done. These troubled beings attend us when we work and can introduce unwanted emotions and imagery at inopportune times.
When you write a story, whether fictional or non-fiction, you run the risk of stirring up memories among the spirits observing you. These memories can be distracting or even disturbing if you do not recognize their source and handle them immediately. Almost any creative activity will attract the attention of your spiritual companions and can uncover their past losses and failures as well as their successes. If you are able to recognize when spirits are being triggered and respond appropriately, you can complete your tasks without being distracted.
In Sunday’s workshop, we will discuss various ways to manage our spiritual companions so that we can draw upon their experiences without being overwhelmed by their emotions. The workshop will start at 12 noon Eastern Time (New York Time) and the link you should use to join the Zoom session is: