Category Archives: Simpler Lifestyle

SRT Rudiments Session

This is a series of processes which can be run at the beginning of an SRT session to remove obstacles to SRT processing so that the SRT user and the person they are helping can handle the major problem without … Continue reading

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Are You Interested In Creating A Circle Of Friends Who Can Talk With Spirits? – Part One

When you develop unusual abilities, like being able to perceive and communicate with spirits, you will quickly find that people who do not have those abilities will not understand you and will criticize and attack you for doing something dangerous … Continue reading

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Three Steps To Taking Charge Of Your Life

I am hosting a workshop this Sunday which will open the way for you to experience joy on demand. You need to know that joy does not just happen. It is the result of skillfully directed intentions. Joy is the product of … Continue reading

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There will be an SRT Workshop This Sunday

The world may be going to hell, but we have the technology to change things for the better. We keep discovering new things about our relationships with spirits and are able to come up with new solutions to very old … Continue reading

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