Join me tomorrow, Sunday, August 4th, at 12 noon using this link:
We will be running another free workshop to show you that managing your spiritual companions is possible and desirable as well.
You are surrounded by spirits who influence your feelings and actions every day. Wouldn’t you like to have more control over the way you feel about life? Join us tomorrow and see if you have what it takes to gain more control over your feelings and your future.
Here is some background reading for those who are not yet up to speed on what we are dealing with on this planet:
More Random Prison Planet Data
Republished on 8-3-21 and republished again today to give you some background for tomorrow’s workshop.
Some have wondered at my certainty that this is a prison planet. The idea did not spring full-blown from my spiritual companions or me. I accumulated certainty after years of running sessions that indicated that all was not well on this particular planet.
In this earlier article from 2013, I only mention the fact that the planet is haunted. You can decide for yourself which of the many tales about spirits being imprisoned here are true.
I have the feeling that once one civilization found Earth to be an efficient dumping ground for malcontents, other civilizations piled their spiritual garbage here rather than build their own prisons. They may have felt they were just being tidy like Arlo Guthrie in Alice’s Restaurant when he said, “I figured it was better to have one big pile of litter than to have several piles.
Here is my earlier story from 2013 with a comment from Kathy Elliott
Life on a Haunted Planet
I ran out a harrowing experience for a spirit who was the leader of an early colony on this planet and I realized that we have some natural defenses against visitors from other planets.
This being was a leader of what appeared to be a colony of 20,000 people located on this planet. They were from a technically sophisticated civilization and the colony had all of the skills and tools to be self-supporting, but the colony did not flourish. It had all sorts of barriers to prevent native animals from attacking the colony and to protect against storms and airborne dangers, but something was causing the colony to fail.
According to this being, there was too much indecision, too many opinions, and too much conflict. He had made some observations about spiritual activities but these were completely disregarded and instead of holding his ground as the leader, he finally left the colony to see if things were different outside the protective barriers of the colony. The colony had become an insane rabble by the time he left.
He found it was a lot better outside the colony because there were very few spirits and the world seemed to be a lot calmer.
He finally went back because it was his responsibility to protect the colonists, but nobody would believe him. They thought he had run away. He was received so poorly that he finally decided, “I am not going to tell you!” and made himself right and died knowing that he had failed to protect his people.
He still did not know why the colony had not flourished and had changed from a team of highly trained people into a rabble. I could perceive what had happened, but it was still hidden from him, so I asked him some questions to verify what I could perceive.
The colonists came from a civilization where there were very few “ghosts” and there was no spiritual knowledge for handling possession by spiritual beings. The colony had few problems at first, but there was a continuing breakdown in civility and rationality as time went on.
This colony was basically overrun by spiritual beings who were in very bad shape. I sensed that these tortured beings had all been dumped here to keep them away from other locations.
There is more to this story, but the spirit I was helping suddenly experienced a huge release and I was not about to keep on questioning him. I think he spotted that there was no possibility of saving the colony from the minute they touched down on this planet and he was not at fault.
The fact that this planet is so haunted is both a hazard and an opportunity. Any new beings are subject to being possessed by thoughts and intentions that are not theirs and will have difficulty keeping themselves organized enough to take the planet over.
Anyone who masters SRT has an infinite number of spiritual beings to organize and inspire to accomplish projects of great magnitude.
Seen by 6
By Kathy Elliott
I ran a solo session in which a whole planet was taken over by entities as if it were an epidemic.
The entity who was telling me this story was in a space station orbiting the planet and he had to watch as the planet’s inhabitants went insane and created a world war that destroyed everything on the planet.
Then the entities from the planet spread to the space station and “infected” the crew of the space station who went mad one by one.
Our hero was the last one to succumb so he was able to tell the whole story.
He was very relieved to finally understand what had caused the insanity and is going to stay here to learn more about SRT so that he can be cause over entities who affect him and anyone else he is connected to.
By David St Lawrence
I think that we are already infected and any smart civilization will stay the hell away from us for a very long time.
After all, entities do not recognize any barriers of distance or time for that matter. If they feel that there are other places that are more appetizing, they will probably move off in that direction.