Imagination And Perception

Imagination is the ability to form mental pictures of something that may or may not exist in the material universe. Perception is the ability to be aware of something. Both of these abilities can be altered by the ingestion of drugs or by the imposition of restrictive beliefs.

Those of us who routinely perceive spirits and spiritual activities are merely able to perceive a wider range of vibrations and energies than people who are taking painkillers for chronic pains or have been taught that there are things they should not notice.

It is not a matter of being superhuman, it is simply a willingness to observe what is occurring and not block a perception because of what someone else has taught you. Many people have been taught that the material universe is the only thing that is real and if you can’t experience something with your physical senses, it does not exist.

This leaves them blindsided when they ignore the intentions, thoughts, emotions, attention, and purposes that others are projecting constantly as they carry on their daily activities. This has nothing to do with intelligence or nobility of purpose as there are many intelligent people who do not realize they are immortal spirits who will be looking for another body when the current one fails.

I have been introducing people to spirits as a profession since 2010 when I finally realized that we were surrounded by disembodied spirits who were actively trying to help us. Prior to that discovery, I had been part of a cult which believed that these disembodied spirits were a problem to be solved by exorcising them. Even earlier I had been active in religions which believed that spirits were best handled by praying to them.

Once I started observing disembodied spirits, I discovered that it was possible to see their historical activities as a series of images that earlier researchers had labeled as Akashic records. I soon found that I could talk to a living person and get them to spot emotions and images emanating from disembodied spirits in their vicinity.

A few spirits were operating in present time and were helping the person with advice and encouragement. Other spirits had their attention stuck on some past event and when triggered by some activity or statement would operate as though that past event was still occurring. This would cause the person they were influencing to temporarily manifest a completely different personality.

I soon found that many people could perceive spirits and begin to communicate with them once I helped them locate the source of unsettling emotions or sudden fears they could not seem to deal with. I also found a few people who would manifest fears and behaviors that they could not deal with, no matter how long I worked with them. I finally discovered that these people who were being affected by spirits had been trained to believe that spirits were imaginary and could not perceive what was actually happening. This condition has been labeled elsewhere as conversion disorder or hysterical blindness.

The inability to perceive things that are influencing one’s life leaves the person open to attack from these “invisible” influences. We do not yet have easy solutions for this disability, but caring communication on the subject may allow the person to consider the possibility that someone has intentionally blocked them from perceiving non-material concepts.

The Council of Nicaea’s decision in 325 AD to remove reincarnation from the purview of Catholic doctrine stands as a testament to the enduring influence of authoritative ecclesiastical pronouncements in shaping beliefs. There have been many other pronouncements by religious figures to influence believers and those pronouncements still hold sway today. Religion, in general, is a set of rules on what to believe and these are not necessarily in agreement with what you can freely observe if you look for yourself. Almost every group has rules on proper behavior and unrestricted use of imagination is not encouraged, so if you are looking for answers to spiritual questions, you will have to be willing to observe for yourself and make your own decisions on what you see.

Spiritual Rescue Technology is a series of observations about spiritual activities and you are free to test and validate those observations as you see fit. If our observations match your observations, feel free to use them. If you cannot validate our observations, find some that work for you, and feel free to share them with us.

We have discovered that all objects and activities in the material universe seem to originate with spirits and spiritual intentions, thus solving problems in the material universe involves dealing with spirits and their intentions. If you find situations that are otherwise manifested, feel free to find other solutions for them.

Repost of 6-8-24 article

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