Happy Holidays!

As Gretchen and I end this sixth year of our post corporate careers, we have a lot to be thankful for and even more to look forward to.

Thanks to all who have encouraged us in so many ways. Thanks to those who have found our work meaningful and have purchased products and services from us.

Your support and encouragement have enabled us to realize goals that were only distant dreams for many years.

The dream of supporting ourselves as a family after corporate life by writing, creating art, and through craftsmanship and design ability has become a reality and we can see that it offers opportunity for years to come.

We all go through phases in life and it is reassuring to know that there is a viable future after corporate life.

For us it was not retirement, although that possibility exists for those who plan well for it. Our plans called for active engagement in the community and for income-producing work.

On both counts, we were able to find activities that met every expectation and connected us to people in our community who have become good friends.

We wish you all a happy holiday season and the chance to find opportunities to enhance your lives and find meaningful ways to share your talents with others.

May you flourish and prosper.
The world needs more of that.

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