Unlock your Talent – whatever it is

“FLOYD, Naturally!”, a lecture series sponsored by Floyd Friends of the Library presents David and Gretchen St. Lawrence on the topic of “Unlock Your Talent”.

That’s tonight, May 17 at 7:30 p.m. at the Jessie Peterman Library, in Floyd

Gretchen and I are speaking tonight on the various factors involved in unlocking your talent and will be drawing upon the experiences of the audience to give the widest possible scope to this vital topic.

We have been very appreciative of our welcome to Floyd County and the encouragement we have received as we have become engaged in community activities.

We have observed the positive effects on our lives and the lives of others who have been exposed to the support and reinforcement that exists within the Floyd County community.

A community can be considered to be the sum total of the expressed talents of its members. Talent that is stifled or repressed contributes little to the well-being and prosperity of the individual or their community.

Talents that are unlocked become the basis of new businesses, happier lives, and this encourages others to unleash their creativity also.

We are addressing a wide range of talent including the ability to farm, to homeschool children, to create a business from scratch, as well as the ability to create art, to produce fine pottery, or to sing and produce music. All of these talents are necessary in a growing and vital community.

We feel that unlocking talent is something that anyone can do, given encouragement and some grounding in the factors that act as barriers to expressing talent.

We feel that it is as important to recognize and overcome barriers as it is to concentrate in the development of talent.

Floyd has an abundance of talent and we would like to see that wealth increase so that the creative character of Floyd is strengthened and is not drowned in a rising tide of cookie-cutter commercialism.

We feel that more talent, freely expressed, is the best answer to survival of this community as an economic unit. When you import franchises, for example, to generate jobs you have removed one more reason for visitors to stop here and visit.

If the state of Virginia becomes one endless strip mall as has happened in some beautiful areas of California, there is nothing that distinguishes on town from another. It is our creative economy which attracts visitors, new settlers and makes this part of Virginia such a great place to live.

We think that unlocking talents will let creative people find their own unique solutions to the problems of life and to community stability and prosperity.

If you are in Floyd, join us tonight for an engaging discussion. It will give us all something new to think about.

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