The 65th Carnival of Homeschooling is up on Alasandra

Henry Cate of Why Homeschool reminds me that another Carnival of Homeschooling has been posted today and it has been dedicated to Charles Darwin, with a link to free lesson plans for the Galapagos.

We have a lot of home schooled students in Floyd County and I am always impressed with their maturity and creativity.

In my opinion, one of the absolute killer benefits of homeschooling is that children can easily get more education in a couple of hours of homeschooling than they can get from a full day of public school.

No two and a half hour commute, no endless waiting between moments of real activity.

Home schooled kids probably get 4 to 5 extra hours a day to be creative and to help out around the home or participate in the family business. That can be a serious advantage to them and their parents in today’s high-pressure world.

Read this weeks carnival and learn more about homeschooling and the people who choose to go that route..

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