FloydFest 5 – A Celebration of Life

Across the Way Productions outdid themselves this year. Floydfest 5 was an amazing experience for people of all ages.

We experienced a magical transformation today from quiet country roads to a mountaintop celebration of love and family that bridged the gap between genres, cultures and generations.

The infectious rhythms of Country, Gospel and Bluegrass  music caught us up from the moment we stepped on the site. We saw people dancing everywhere all during the day.


The most noticeable thing about FloydFest was the joy we could see others expressing. The happiness level was right up there at the top.

The organization and security at the site was superb. The Across-the-Way Productions team did an outstanding job of creating an event that was fun for children and teenagers as well as for adults.

I recommend this event to my family and anyone else who would like to spend a few days having the time of their lives in a beautiful country setting with a lot of other interesting people.


After a full day of music and bright sunshine, I only have energy to provide you with this small taste of FloydFest. I have many more photos and videos of the event which will be posted on Floyd County Live in the next few days.

One last image for you. Even the staff was swept up in the music. I captured this image as the event began winding down.


I hope you don’t miss this unique festival next year. It was a great time for all concerned. To get some idea of the talent we heard, you can buy CDs of the live performances. Check the floydfest.com website for details.

See you next year!

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