Chernobyl – lest we forget

This photograph by Phil Coombs is just one of many included in a series of BBC News articles remembering  the twentieth anniversary of Chernobyl.

The BBC News website revisited Chernobyl recently, and has published a series of articles and pictures that capture the imagination and fill in more details of the tragic nuclear accident that took place on April 26 1986.

There are many articles to browse through and for those who have not read my earlier posts on Chernobyl, they provide a good summation of the the incident, the subsequent efforts to cover it up, and the various estimates of genetic damage that resulted from the incident.

It is interesting to see the amount of wildlife that has flourished in the so-called Dead Zone even in the presence of high radiation levels. It is telling that animals brought into the zone from outside do not do well. I am sure that there is more to be discovered about how plants and animals have adapted to the radiation. After all, it will not diminish for hundreds of years. There will be ample time for study…and for reflection.

If you want a quick fix, check out these links for more of Phil Coombs photos on Pripyat: Chernobyl’s lost city.

Lost city in pictures
Contaminated vehicles
Ghost villages


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