Seven Springs Farm

Gretchen at 7 Springs Farm

I have been told that Seven Springs Farm was a great source of organic farming supplies ever since I moved to Floyd, but I could never seem to locate the place. This weekend, Gretchen and I got directions from a new settler and we picked up supplies and plants for our deck gardens.

They still have lots of lettuce, herbs and tomatoes as well as a few perennials. We were shown around by Dane Elder who is shown here behind a selection of lettuce varieties. The plants are exceptionally healthy.
Dane Elder and Lettuce

I also picked up some covering material for my gardens. They have two kinds, a lightweight sunscreen for summer and a heavy duty material for use in the winter. I am experimenting with the light weight covering to keep birds off my strawberries and to keep the new plantings from burning while they adapt to outdoor life.

Covered deck Gardens

After five years of hearing about Seven Springs Farm and getting vague directions like "It's over there off Kings Store Road", I had come to the conclusion that it was one of Floyd's best kept secrets or perhaps I just couldn't get there from here.

Their prices and service were excellent and I wanted to show my appreciation by providing a map that actually shows where they are located. You can Google Seven Springs Farm and you will get their webpage but the maps are not expandable.

Seven Springs Farm map
Thanks to all who told me about Seven Springs Farm. It was everything they said it was.

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