Building/moving to a new home – day 68

And now…A Miracle Happens?

Have you ever seen one of those project charts which has a little box with this label way out near the end? It appears on those projects where it is deemed almost impossible for everything to appear on schedule.


On a chart they look like this:

In the physical universe, they can look like the scene below:


We came across our house modules today while driving down a winding country road in the rain. The four modules were sitting in a field next to Marvin West’s dairy about a mile from our future homesite in Floyd, VA.

The sight of these completed modules in such close proximity to their final location really made our day!

We have been watching the weather deteriorate and did not know how it would affect the completion of our house. We were prepared for the worst, so to see the house modules all ready to go was a huge boost to our morale!

The team that transports house modules for Southern Heritage Homes had moved the schedule up a day and brought the four module trailers to a staging area near the construction site. This should enable the crane operator at the site to place all four house modules on the foundation in one day if everything goes smoothly.

We plan to be at the site early tomorrow. We do not want to miss this opportunity to photograph and blog the installation of a new house on our homesite.

Wish us luck!

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