Building/moving to a new home – day 24

We spent the last three days in Floyd and enjoyed some fine Fall weather. Trees are turning color all along the Blue Ridge Parkway and showers of golden leaves sail across country roads as make our way across the mountains.

We connected up with old friends and made a few new ones, so it was a productive visit in all respects. The only downside is that we were so busy that I didn’t get time to post everything. I will try to catch up with the next few posts.

KitchenThe modules of our house are looking more and more like parts of a home. Most of the windows are in and the kitchen cabinets are almost complete.  It is reassuring to walk into your kitchen and see it coming together properly on the factory floor. I think the good people of Southern Heritage Homes will be ready to take the show on the road in a few more weeks.

On the homesite, work is progressing well in spite of the recent heavy rains. The septic system is in and we got to see the final stages when the drain field was being installed. Now I have a good idea where everything is so I can take precautions in future excavations.

Housenumber_1One of the highlights for me was putting up the house number. The house is still miles away in a factory and we won’t have a mailbox for weeks, but there is a certain satisfaction in being able to say where we live. It also makes it a lot easier in getting supplies delivered.

All we need now is to sell our current house in a timely fashion so that everything comes together before Thanksgiving.

Buyer interest continues high and we are getting time to improve the curb appeal every day. I feel it is just a matter of time until the right buyer finds us.

By the way, if you have never seen what modular homes look like, here are some recent examples from Southern Heritage Homes in Rocky Mount, VA. This technology has come a long way in the past twenty years. I would not be surprised to see modular construction take over much of the housing market in the next decade.

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