Prescott SpringHill Suites by Marriott – a place to avoid

When you stay in Prescott, Arizona, you just might want to avoid the Prescott SpringHill Suites by Marriott.

If the "inhospitality" that was given my friend Rosa Say is any indication, this hotel has definitely fallen away from their mission statement:  "The Prescott SpringHill Suites is an award-winning hotel with the highest standards in service and hospitality."

It would appear that the guest needs to be aware that service occasionally goes beyond being indifferent to being actively hostile. Maybe they need a sign at reception: "Your receptionist today is a Don Rickles understudy".

This is no accident, by the way. A receptionist like this would not last a second with responsible management in charge. The fact that someone with this destructive personality is on the front desk says worlds about Marriot management at this hotel. The place needs a major shakeup. Either the people in charge are too busy convincing upper management that they are meeting targets or they have no idea what customers want. Either way, the SpringHill Suites of Prescott is not a place to stay unless all other hotels are full.

I will be very interested to see if the SpringHill Suites of Prescott or Marriott is planning to take action to remedy this situation.

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