SRT Workshop #10 – Improving Your Personality

If you are a Spiritual Rescue Technology user, you already know that you are accompanied by spirits who contribute to your personality. Some of these spirits help you do many of your daily tasks and others provide ideas and inspiration for your creativity, that’s why we have dubbed them co-pilots. They affect your personality, and you can change your personality by applying Spiritual Rescue Technology to the co-pilots you wish to change.

We recently started reaching out to these co-pilots who help you present yourself to the world and have been helping those who were not working in alignment with the others. In Sunday’s workshop, we will be demonstrating how this is done and will be introducing new tools for gathering information from spirits and improving your personality.

If you use Google search for ways to improve your personality, you will find about 651,000,000 results in 0.48 seconds. Most of these are useful advice for behaving in ways that will gain approval from others, but they do not address your underlying personality. This is a typical list:

5 Unique Tips To Improve Your Personality

  1. Self-awareness: The next step is to learn every day. …
  2. Continuous learning: Next, you have to work on building self-confidence. …
  3. Building confidence: Start paying attention to your body language. …
  4. Work on body language: …
  5. Learn to adapt:

Our target for 2024 is to get SRT users to the point where they can easily change their personality as needed to achieve their purposes in life. Once this is achieved, handling the effects of the other spirits who are surrounding the body, influencing its health and affecting the person’s mood, becomes much easier.

When you, as the Pilot, are working in harmony with your Co-Pilots, life is more rewarding, and handling troubled beings in the environment is much easier.

If this is something you are interested in, please join us on Sunday, February 4, at 12 noon EST using this link:

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Working With Spirits – Project 2024 – Part 2

This second article is focused on getting to know the spirits making up your personality, who are they, what are their talents, and how they work together. The major players determining your personality are the Pilot, which is normally you, and several Co-Pilots who take control as directed by the Pilot or when the Pilot is overwhelmed or unable to function. The Pilot and Co-Pilots are individual immortal spirits and have likes, dislikes, and fears, resulting from their past histories and these individual attributes contribute to your personality and behavior.

When we use Spiritual Rescue Technology to free spirits from past incidents that have trapped their attention, they wake up and their attention is freed to focus on events occurring in the present and on intentions for future events. This is an ongoing process and the result is a continuing increase in awareness and power for all beings who are part of the team making up your personality. The Ideal Scene for a person occurs when the entire group of spirits is organized around a leader, the Pilot, and is projecting a unified personality. When this occurs, the Pilot and all Co-pilots are fully aligned and act in harmony. 

Achieving An Ideal Scene

We are developing a tool for getting information from the beings making up your personality and this tool, which is a special questionnaire, can be used by a counselor or by an individual on their own. The first part of this questionnaire includes questions that cause individual beings to reveal themselves and the second part of the questionnaire explores the talents and motivations of the individual beings who play a supporting role in determining the person’s behavior and intentions.

This questionnaire enables a person to detect co-pilots who are not working in alignment with the rest of the personality team and singles them out for handling with SRT processes to get them operating in alignment or relocating to join a group they align with. 

This questionnaire can be also used on random spirits surrounding and influencing the body when they do not respond to simple SRT processes. It gives an SRT user a comprehensive set of questions that quickly identify beings with intentions and histories that require special handling. These spiritual companions may be helpful or distracting and they are only dealt with when they become a distraction to the Pilot and Co-Pilots. Regular SRT processing can handle troubled spirits in a matter of minutes, but a questionnaire can be used when a distracting spirit does not respond promptly to caring communication.

We are testing the questionnaire in sessions now and will be demonstrating its use in this Sunday’s SRT Workshop. Our primary target is to get SRT users to the point where they can easily change their personality as needed to achieve their purposes in life. Once this is achieved, handling the effects of the other spirits surrounding the body, influencing its health and affecting the person’s mood, becomes much easier. When your Pilot and Co-Pilots are working in harmony, handling troubled beings in the environment is much easier.

If this is something you are interested in, please join us on Sunday, February 4, at 12 noon EST using this link: 

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Working With Spirits – Project 2024 – Part 1

Several years ago after successfully completing a book called Talking To Spirits, I decided I needed to write a book called Working With Spirits, and by the time I finished the first draft, we had discovered so much more I would have had to rewrite the book completely from scratch. Since then, our observations have multiplied tenfold and the information we have accumulated for spiritual rescue technology has grown every week.

To create some coherent documentation on what we have discovered, I am writing a series of articles about the challenges and rewards of working with spirits so the useful information can be put to work in sessions by others.

This first article is focused on the spiritual teams who make up our human personalities. We have known for some years that we are all composite personalities, but we did not know the full details of what that composite personality entailed and how the team of spirits operated and was organized. Everything we do is as a team of spirits. This image may give you an idea of how it works.

Recent sessions and workshops have revealed that there are spirits with different functions in a human personality team. There is usually a Pilot which is the designation we give to the lead spirit activating the body and managing the overall personality team. This immortal being is normally awake and functioning in a spiritually healthy person. Hopefully, this is you. The pilot’s likes and dislikes are the basis of much of the person’s personality and he has a great deal of effect on the body’s behavior.

There are multiple Co-Pilots which is the designation we give to beings who are normally awake and who take control when the pilot is overwhelmed or unable to function. These co-pilots are independent immortal spirits with a full history of incidents that will affect their responses to environmental stimuli. Co-pilots have likes and dislikes and these contribute to the person’s overall personality and behavior.

A helpful co-pilot will take control in coordination with the pilot’s intention. As an example, co-pilots are responsible for the actions currently described by science as “muscle memory” and “instinctive behavior”. When you drive a car over a known route, the driving is generally done by a co-pilot while the pilot concerns himself with what will happen on arrival at the destination. When you tie your shoes or brush your teeth, the co-pilots do the work while your attention is elsewhere,

There are co-pilots who are not operating in alignment with the pilot and their responses to external events are determined by their past experiences. The violent change in a personality, when a discussion of politics or sex occurs, is almost always produced by a co-pilot being triggered by the discussion.

Some co-pilots are not even aware they are spirits and they operate on their own agendas. They are attracted to the energy and personality produced by the existing spirits and they participate in the activity without being a group member or realizing they are a spirit. I spoke to one of them recently when he lectured me on the impossibility of spiritual healing through communication alone. He had been a degreed medical professional who was not aware he was no longer a living doctor. He felt it was his duty to inform me that what I was doing was not based on sound medical principles. When I gently brought him to realize he was in a condition of treason to his state as a spiritual being, he went off to ponder the matter.

Additional Note:

We have long known that there are spiritual beings who are attached to the body and they affect body health and operation. The untrained pilot may not be aware of their presence and they do not seem to be controlled by the pilot. These beings operate at many different levels and may consist of individual spirits as well as clusters of spirits. These beings are the target of many spiritual processes and rituals, such as exorcisms and the Scientology OT levels, which are a form of exorcism. These beings do not seem to control the personality directly but exert an influence on all spirits in the body through their emotions and intentions. There can be many thousands of these spirits attached to a body at any given time and they are attracted by the emotions the personality team puts out.

The law of attraction applies to spirits at all times and this means that a pilot needs to stay in control of the team so that the team does not broadcast low-toned emotions unnecessarily. If a person is betrayed by friends or employers and stays in a mood where he is seeking revenge, that emotion attracts beings who have also been betrayed and they will flock to the person and add to the anger and destructive intentions. The presence of so much hatred can be felt by the people this person meets and works with and will affect how others treat him and trust him. This hatred will also affect the functioning of the personality team and the person’s behavior will continue to affect his relationships with others and his success in life.

If the personality team is well-trained in SRT and knows that maintaining a positive outlook is essential, they will attract spirits of high emotional tone levels and will find success at every turning of the road. This is a dynamic state of affairs and requires constant vigilance to detect and handle attacks on the emotional stability of the person. 

You readers need to understand that you are leaders of teams of spirits and your success or failure in life depends on how well you manage your team and handle threats to your health and sanity. You may think you are running your life all by yourself, but if you take the time to meet and communicate with your teammates, you will find that life is much easier and happier than you have ever imagined.

If this is all new to you, I suggest you start by reading my book, Talking To Spirits, available on Amazon and as a downloadable PDF file.

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Locate Yourself On This Newly revised Chart And See Where Your Feelings Come From – UPDATED 1-25-24 8 am

Your personality is created by you and the beings who have joined up with you. If all is going well, you are the pilot and the other beings are your co-pilots. If you check out this new table, you can see why you feel the way you do. We are now using this chart to handle issues we have not been able to address before. Let me know if you see changes that should be made.

*Definition of Terms

Personality = The behavior manifested by a particular spirit or a group of spirits acting together

Pilot = the lead spirit activating the body and managing the overall personality. Hopefully, this is you.

Co-pilot = A spirit who is always awake but takes control on a stimulus-response basis. A helpful Co-Pilot takes control in coordination with the Pilot’s intention.

Passengers = Uncoordinated spirits attached to the group animating the body. They occasionally comment and react to actions being taken by the Pilot and Co-pilots.

Spiritual Companions = Spirits in and around the body of a person who are in various states of awareness. They react in various ways to whatever the Pilot and his Co-Pilots are doing.

Ideal Scene for a person = The Group is organized around a leader and is projecting a unified personality. The Pilot and all Co-pilots are fully aligned and act in harmony. Passengers and Spiritual Companions are aware of the Pilot and his mission.

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