Experimental winter salad garden update

  Winter-gardening 12-12-2010 12-11-58 AM

The outside temperature is in the 20s, but the salad greens in the right hand enclosure are still healthy and growing. The temperature in the enclosures drop to 28 degrees at times but there has been no sign of freezing of the tender greens.

If anyone can explain this, I would be very interested. The temperatures in these deck garden enclosures do go below freezing, but no freezing takes place.The Christmas tree lights burn day and night but generate very little heat.

We plan to celebrate Christmas with a salad from this little garden.

Next year, we plan to dedicate the left hand enclosure to herbs as I saw some hardy Italian Parsley a few days ago growing up through the snow. I think fresh herbs would be a treat in winter meals.

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