Time to fish or cut bait

I have been a little slow in the blogging department recently, as I am finally compiling the best of Ripples’ business posts into a book. It has been an exciting few days.

I have been written several hundred posts about life and business in the last year and I am packaging the best of these into a trade paperback and a pdf file. Think of a lightheartedly serious guide to surviving corporate life and you will have captured the essence of this book

These chapter headings will give you an idea of what the book covers. I am also including some of your earlier comments as examples of the situations I describe.

It’s not too big, only 70,000 words and it should be a handy reference for people who are having a hard time with 21st century employment practices, and want to look forward to a brighter future.

I have three different titles, none of which seem to capture the exact sense of what I am trying to communicate, so I will be doing a survey of titles and cover art in the next few days and enlisting your help.

I have almost completed compiling and editing the material and expect to get real busy in the next thirty days turning it into something you can download or order for your working friends.

I have already invited a few people to review the pre-press version and add comments if they care to.

If you are interested in participating, send me an email and I will arrange to shoot you a copy.

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