Post-Corporate Existence – part 1

Corporate life is perhaps the most challenging and remunerative period of a person’s working existence. But, like sky diving and fire walking, there comes a time when living in the corporate fast lane begins to pall. There comes a time when you long for the weekend and it’s only Monday. That’s when you wistfully dream of an existence outside the corporate enclave, in a place where reason prevails and where you set the schedule. But, you shake your head and with a rueful smile prepare for the next staff meeting.

But the dream, once contacted, doesn’t go away. Even in the midst of a corporate cheerleading frenzy, your mind pictures a simpler existence where you work at a pace which provides time for  love and for watching your children grow. You don’t know how to get there but you know it exists. You hear rumors of this post-corporate existence, and your heart beats faster. Someday, you vow, someday, you will find a way…

This weblog was started one and a half years ago to document life in the post-corporate zone. It is not unlike the twilight zone in that it takes a special kind of person to see clearly what opportunity exists in this unknown commercial vista, populated by castaways and non-conformists.

The recent discovery of the "long tail" phenomena in marketing and in blogging, opens the door to a better understanding of the long tail phenomena in respect to jobs. While the preponderance of financial opportunity lies in the brief years of frantic pursuit of success as a corporate soldier, there are millions of people earning a decent living and enjoying an enviable lifestyle during their post-corporate existence.

This is the first of a series of posts on existence. You can expect some accompanying changes in the brand identity of this blog during the course of the next few posts.

Stay tuned.


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