Friends in far places – part 2

It was 3:30am and I quit trying to go back to sleep. Somehow, I was running old memories and they just wouldn’t stop coming. It is like the phenomena that occurs when I watch late night TV.  I find myself switching channels endlessly, hoping to find something of interest.

Whether my mind spontaneously reruns old memories or launches a torrent of new business plans, the result is the same. I lie in bed twitching restlessly until my long suffering spouse gently nudges me. At which point, I throw on some clothes and go down to my office and blog.

If I need to get my creative juices flowing, I browse through my blogroll to see how my blogfriends are doing. When I share their joy and anxiety through reading their blogs, it inspires to me to write and acknowledge the effect they have had upon me.

Here are just a few of the blogs that have inspired me in one way or another.

Anita Campbell, of Small Business Trends, provides daily updates on trends that influence the global small business market. Each weekend she published a PowerBlog Review of the weblogs being authored by people who are entrepreneurs or small business owners.

Wayne Hurlburt is one
of the most generous bloggers I know. He sets a great example of
helpful blogging. He provides a wealth of helpful information and
encourages me to set my own goals at a higher level.

The ever interesting Andreas Duess provides insider insights into art direction and advertising. I have been following his recent move from the UK to Toronto with great interest.

Then there are new bloggers, like Kathleen Ream who writes entertainingly on a wide variety of subjects, both business and personal.  A Bostonian who recently moved to Seattle, she writes well and we seem to share the same opinions about many things.

Beth shows us how love of life, of a good man, and food, made for an irresistable combination of blog topics.

Sallie, the eternal student keeps me constantly amused with her adventures.

Chris Muir, whose comic strip has become a daily regimen, right up there with Starbucks. He is  most entertaining cartoonists I know and his strips are the visual equivalent of a blog.

LeeAnn, the Cheesemistress, who knows all the words to "Werewolves of London" and will sing them… loudly, if provoked. She also writes some of the funniest dialog I have ever read. (Put down coffee before reading.)

David Burn. of AdPulp, provides daily juice from the Ad Biz. It is a refreshing change from the tired flackery that abounds elsewhere.

Bill, at Writelife, is a frequent visitor to Ripples and I return the favor. He often provides a Canadian counterpoint to the business issues I write about.

Whenever I get complacent about things, I visit Linda’s site. Her passion for justice always gets me stirred up in a good cause.

Emperor Misha and his hordes rant about the unfairness and injustice in the world so we don’t have to. Worth a visit whenever your supply of invective runs low.

And finally, there is Fred First, whose lyric praise of the quiet life in Floyd inspired me to begin blogging. His writing and photography have earned him steady praise from an ever growing audience. Now he is branching out to NPR spots and columns in a local newspaper. Will Nameless Creek become the Lake Woebegon of the future?

Even though I have run on far too long, I can’t stop without mentioning Ana, MarieDa Goddess, The Commissar, Lloyd Lemons and Fletch …and Clarence. They have all been a source of inspiration. They write or capture images with great passion. There are many more than I can fit in this post. Thanks to all of you. You know who you are.

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