What do you do, when your DSL goes out?

Jan 11, 2004 8:00am) Take a break and go shopping.

That was our agenda for Sunday as soon as the sun came up. Our power had gone off while I was writing an early morning post and it knocked us off the internet.

We bundled up warmly for the weekly trek into Charlottesville. The temperature was in the low twenties and the Forester registered its complaints at being made to start. The engine barely turned over, but it caught and we made it onto the highway with no delay.

We made a lot of stops, starting with breakfast at the Tip Top Diner in Pantops. We even managed to hit Starbucks, before returning home, ready for another try at fixing the DSL connection.

I spent the rest of the day trying make the DSL connection work after failing to contact Sprint (Their service numbers provide only answering machines until Monday business hours.)

We have a DSL modem and a 8-port router, both with passwords that would not linger work. I could no longer access their settings to see what had happened. Finally, I abandoned my efforts at midnight.

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