Embracing change and other thoughts for this new year


You can resist change or embrace it. Personally, I prefer the latter approach.

Resisting change puts you at the effect of change. If you choose this
path, you are always fighting vainly to put things back as they were.
Sorry, but that is not an option. This effort to stop leads only to

If you wholeheartedly embrace change, your attention is on managing the
change or on creating changes that you consider desirable. Like sailing
against the wind by tacking, you can achieve forward motion for
yourself even when changes occur which might seem to oppose you.

  • Strive for the simplest answers. These will generally produce the best
    results. Complicated answers rise out of a lack of ability to confront
  • Strive for honest, personal, and compassionate communication in all
    that you do. It will make life easier than you can possibly imagine.
  • Dishonest, impersonal, and callously indifferent communications will do
    you in sooner or later. Every disaster you have ever experienced
    probably started with one of these.

Make 2010 the best year ever. You owe it to yourself to make changes that will make yourself happier and more productive.

Thank you for visiting this weblog and sharing in my post-corporate
adventures. Come back whenever you get a

(I published this in early 2006 and rediscovered it yesterday. It still applies for those who wish to improve things.)

(photo credit  Andrea Francolini, yachtpals.com)

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