Mickey G’s – Focaccia Burgers and Split Pea Soup

Focaccia Burger 1

On a snowy Monday in Floyd Virginia, what will lift your spirits more than a visit to Michael Gucciardo's newest restaurant, Mickey G's Italian Bistro and Pizzeria

Don't laugh! In Floyd, we celebrate life as it comes.

Some of our friends have not been able to leave their homes for days at a time because of snowdrifts and ice blocking their way to the main roads.When we see them in town it is like a reunion.

So anyway, Gretchen and I decided to celebrate being able to drive into town again with lunch at Mickey G's. The Focaccia Burgers attracted our attention and they really hit the spot. They taste as good as they look.

Focaccia Burger 2

The big surprise, however, was the split pea soup! This was an amazing creation! I have had split pea soup all over the United States and Michael's version knocked my socks off!

I should have ordered a quart of it and taken it home for the next time we are snowbound. I will have to ask Michael how well it freezes as it is just the kind of a restorative you need after working hard outside in this weather.

I'm sorry that I did not get a picture of the split pea soup. It was as photogenic as it was delicious, but I had scarfed it down before it occurred to me that you all might enjoy a photo. I will try to remember next time before eating the food. Note to self: shoot first, then eat.

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