It only hurts when I laugh

It still surprises me that there are so many things I don’t know.

For example, I was recuperating from minor abdominal surgery yesterday and I picked up the “Get Well Book” by Herbert Kavet. The weather was beautiful out on our deck and I had thought I would pass the time with some light reading.

I started to smile immediately at illustrations reminiscent of Ronald Searle. The captions started me chuckling and by the middle of the small book I was guffawing helplessly, while doubling over in pain.

Gretchen looked at me incredulously. “What are you doing?”

I couldn’t stop laughing even though tears were running down my cheeks. I finally managed to thrust the book away and tried to compose myself, but it was a few minutes more before the bursts of helpless laughter subsided.

Laughter may be the best medicine, but don’t read a book like this one until you can laugh without damaging yourself. I hurt so much afterwards, I went back to the doctor and got my stitches checked. Luckily, no harm done.

Next time…there will be no next time.

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