Instant Photo Ops

Fred First has nailed it in another one of his essays. Ephemera

After years of missing great photo opportunities, I finally took to carrying a small digital camera with me whenever I left the house. At first I felt conspicuous with my shoulder bag, but I persisted and in the last two years I have never been without a camera when a situation required one.

Yes, I have some pedestrian shots, like the doublewide on a trailer negotiating a tiny country crossroad, but I also have some keepers: sunsets. deer feeding in the snow and a great dead tree full of buzzards drying their wings. Now that I have a blog, I will have a place to put my keepers.

I have also managed to capture the personalities of people and animals in ways I never expected. As a side benefit, I am slowly learning to take better pictures. I may be following in the footsteps of my father who started taking pictures in his late seventies of Captiva Island. He shot pictures in all weather of sunrise and sunsets and they were amazing. We still have them somewhere.

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