One of my clients has been trying to get his wits around the fundamental idea of living with spiritual entities and he managed to get it all together with one short statement.
He said, “I am discovering that I am surrounded by many different viewpoints. I can adopt any one of them if I choose, but they can also take over on their own!”
Every entity can have a unique viewpoint on life and how to live it. Some face life fearfully, others face life angrily and others with compassion and kindness. As you interact with your family and the world at large, different viewpoints come into play.
Some spring into view automatically, you invoke others through an exercise of will. You smile back when a familiar face smiles at you and you bristle when someone invades your space and makes demeaning remarks. If you are trained in SRT, you can be an objective observer and watch as these viewpoints appear and subside as you go through your day.
Once you realize that some of these viewpoints are not yours, you can enhance the ones that forward your current purposes and handle the viewpoints that hinder you in achieving your objectives.
Life gets to be a lot more interesting when you learn that you can have more control over your viewpoints through Spiritual Rescue Technology.
David St Lawrence