It’s Time for a Frank Chat About Gender Uncertainties

Once you really understand the complicated relationship between spirits and bodies, you will find that you have a more relaxed view of people who seem to have urges at variance with their body type. You will also have a true understanding of those people of one sex who identify as a member of the opposite sex. All of the data in this article comes from hundreds of Spiritual Rescue Technology (SRT) session hours

The urges toward sexual activity and sexual attraction are spiritual in nature and can easily be understood once you realize that a spirit has no sex or sexual parts, but generally has a history of operating successfully in a male or female body. For the rest of this article, I will call these spirits with a successful history in bodies of a particular sex “male spirits” or “female spirits”

If a being has operated as a male successfully for many lifetimes and happens to pick up a female body in a moment of excitement or inattention, this “male spirit” may run the female body in a way that emphasizes masculine qualities and may not ever develop a true femininity. SRT will not change his sexual orientation, but will make his life as a woman with masculine urges more comfortable.

On the other hand, if a being has operated as a female successfully for many lifetimes and happens to pick up a male body, this “female spirit” may run the male body in a way that emphasizes feminine qualities and may not ever develop a true masculinity. SRT will not change her sexual orientation, but will make her life as a man with feminine urges more comfortable.

Between these two extremes, there are a number of different situations depending on the number of spirits surrounding the body with different gender preferences. These can be helped significantly with SRT processing.

A normally masculine male (male spirit in a male body) with enough “female spirits” around him will find that he is attracted to male bodies in a way that he does not consider manly and he is right. His “female spirit” companions are attracted to males and will draw his attention to male bodies and may even arouse him with respect to male bodies. SRT counseling can handle these “female spirits” and get them to leave or work with the male spirit in a less distracting way. When spirits are brought into present time, they usually are able to work in harmony with the spirit running the body regardless of their sexual orientation. They become team members and contribute to the goals of the group.

A normally feminine (female spirit in a female body) with enough “male spirits” around her will find that she is attracted to female bodies in a way she does not consider proper and she is right. Her “male spirit” companions are attracted to females and will draw her attention to female bodies and may even arouse her with respect to female bodies. SRT counseling can handle these “male spirits” and get them to leave or work with the female spirit in a less distracting way. When spirits are brought into present time, they usually are able to work in harmony with the spirit running the body regardless of their sexual orientation. They become team members and contribute to the goals of the group.

We also encounter spirits who have run both male and female bodies for a long period of time and who have no real preference for what gender bodies they occupy. They can freely exhibit both male and female characteristics but they can suffer from not understanding or agreeing with what society expects of them. SRT counseling gives them an understanding of their true situation and will also handle any confusions of the beings surrounding this non-preferential being. Once a being understands why it has certain urges and behaviors, it can freely choose to associate with beings with the same spiritual condition or to associate with anyone without feeling guilty for being different.

Gender uncertainty is not catching, but the spiritual uncertainty may be buried for many years until some event triggers the realization that something is wrong about the role the person has been playing. This realization can happen at any time and initiates a period of stress which may continue for the rest of the person’s life. SRT counseling can ease the person into understanding who they really are and how this situation occurred.

Knowing who you really are and why you act the way you do will give you the certainty you need to live fearlessly.

Some people have decided that they want to modify their bodies to match their spiritual orientation, but this has not always been successful and some have regretted their decision to change their physical gender. Physical modification without understanding the spiritual implications will have unexpected results. Counseling will help but unless the counseling truly handles the spirits involved, spiritual problems may make life a real challenge.

If you are one who is comfortable in your gender role, this article may make it easier to understand those who have gender confusions and give you a viewpoint that enables you to help them. If someone says they identify as a member of a different sex, they are probably on the right track.

I cover this and a host of other interesting spiritual issues in my weekly Spiritual Workshops in Floyd, Virginia. Join us at 2pm on Thursdays. Call for directions.

If you would like help in this area, I deliver private counseling sessions over the Internet.

David St Lawrence


If this talk about spirits influencing your life is confusing you, read my book, Introducing Spiritual Rescue Technology.

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