Beauty is where you find it

MB blogging

I am getting in some early morning blogging 300 ft above the surf at Myrtle Beach, SC.

The sound of the surf and the twittering of birds can still be heard over the roar of the air conditioners on the buildings below. The sun has yet to peep above the horizon, but a few hardy souls are having an early swim.

I am in a good vantage point to observe the interface of mankind and nature on this July morning. Looking east along the shoreline, I see the green of semi-rural South Carolina safely separated from the ocean by a massive wall of condominiums and hotels.


It is like seeing a beautiful country girl after she has been worked over by a Hollywood makeup expert. The results are certainly showy, but they are no longer natural. On the other hand when one is playing to a major audience as we see here, one needs to appear larger than life and perform accordingly.

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