Free Workshop – Why You Should Never Attempt To Convince Someone of the Existence of Spirits

Discussing something that others cannot see or experience is very disorienting to the other person. You may be totally certain of your experiences and your observations, but you are attempting to shift someone else’s reality. Their certainty and their reality depends on life agreeing with their belief system which they have constructed to make life predictable.

Whatever their belief system, flat earth, GOD watching over them, HELL awaits sinners, or they are the chosen of the universe, it keeps things from surprising them and making them uncertain. It also keeps them from being interrupted by contrary data which might shift their reality.

If a person is certain, they can proceed through life with purpose even if their certainty is based on false information. If a person is adopted or born out of wedlock and does not know this, they base their actions on what they do know and live like anyone else. If they are presented with real data that they are not who they thought they were, the results can be shattering.

If a person is taught they are a meat body who lives once and then will die and be gone forever, they live their live based on that information. Telling them they are an immortal being may destabilize them and upset the rules they have been living by.

Telling a scientist that you are an immortal being who can read thoughts makes him retreat to what he has been told about hallucinations because he has no way to measure the truth in what you are saying.

Let’s look at the Scientific method, which many people swear by as the ultimate test of any phenomena. This method involves testing your hypothesis by doing an experiment and analyzing your data and drawing a conclusion. The so-called scientific method fails miserably trying to analyze anything that can’t be measured.

As far as I know, there is no way to record and measure thoughts. There are many ways to measure the effect of thinking, but not the actual content of thoughts. Thus all of the scientists who put electrodes on our meat in an effort to see what we are thinking have no way to corroborate what we are thinking. They can mutter wisely about electronic fields and currents, but they cannot retrieve a single thought that has been generated.

So if we look at what science can do at this moment, we can safely say that the scientific method cannot prove or disprove the existence of thought or spirits.

However, there is the matter of direct experience. If a person hears a voice in their head with no one else around, they know that they have perceived something. If a person sees a mental image picture they know they have seen something. If a person sees a vision of a remote location and the local time at that location is in the past, present, or future, the person knows they have perceived something with a certain amount of data connected to it.

If that person is under the influence of another person, they may be told that this was an imaginary impression or a hallucination and will shut up about their vision and may try to forget it.

You should always proceed from certainty toward uncertainty in handling any situation that requires resolution.

First, assess what you absolutely know about spirits and proceed from there.

Are you a spirit? Do you think? If you are certain of both of these, do you need to convince anyone else of these facts?

Do you really need to convince anyone else of what you know to be true? If you know something to be true because of your own observations, why do you need agreement? Will agreement make it more true? If the entire world disbelieves you, does that make your data less true?

It probably means you need to find new friends who are as aware as you are.

We will hold a free workshop this Saturday, 2-9-19 at 12 noon EDT on Zoom to discuss how you can find others who can understand what you know and are willing to learn new things.

Use this link to join our workshop:

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