How would you like to be trained to perceive beyond the five senses?

You can train yourself, if you already have the ability to perceive at least one of the phenomena that cannot be seen, felt, heard, smelled, or tasted. If you are not sure of your ability, we can get you started in a single session as long as you have not been punished for using your psychic abilities.

We do not accept trainees who are exposed to an environment which will harm them if they become more able spiritually. Certain groups will punish anyone who shows psychic abilities because they fear that their hidden secrets will be discovered. If you are in a group that feels spirits and non-physical phenomena are evil and harmful, you had best stick to using your five senses and leave the realm beyond the five senses to others.

There are a vast number of activities that fall in the non-physical category. These important actions cause events in the physical universe, but they cannot be detected or measured by science. All that science can do is to measure the results in the physical universe and since these measurements are indirect, they tend to be difficult to replicate.

Let’s take intention for example. Science “knows” what intention is or is not by the results that are obtained. Wrong! Millions of experiments with Zener cards have proven nothing.

Zener cards are cards used to conduct experiments for extrasensory perception (ESP) or clairvoyance.Perceptual psychologist Karl Zener (1903-1964) designed the cards in the early 1930s for experiments conducted with his colleague, parapsychologist J. B. Rhine (1895-1980). The original series of experiments have been discredited and replication has proved elusive.

On the other hand, any trained athlete, or fighter, or counseling practitioner can sense the intention of another person and act upon it effectively. Intention is cause and if the intention is clean with no counter-intention, the desired result is obtained time after time.

Our students learn to perceive intentions emanating from themselves and others. They can even spot multiple intentions affecting a simple action like securing a job interview, or interviewing a new client.

Once a person is capable of detecting intentions, then the door is open to learning how to remove hostile intentions and getting intentions aligned so you can do business.

If you are limiting yourself to five senses, you are ignoring intentions, fears, unvoiced objections, and lies on the part of people you wish to hire or sell something to, or even marry. If you are unhappy with the results you are getting from life, it is possible that you are missing the vital clues that lie beyond the five senses.

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We will be discussing the implications of perceiving beyond the five senses this weekend. Join us for a Saturday workshop and Sunday webinar. See the details on the previous post.

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