Simple pleasures…

As I work my way through this latest life transition, I am appreciative of the simple pleasures that life offers.

Having friends pitch in and help with vital chores that I am unable to handle right now. Morning coffee with Gretchen, working with talented artists to solve problems, meeting friends at the Cafe del Sol…the list goes on.

The common thread is that these are all ways in which we interact in Floyd and the interactions give me both pleasure and encouragement.

There are so many points of contact for us in this small county that every week is a renewal of life and a reaffirmation of our mutual respect and concerns.

Almost everyone I know has goals that differ from mine and they are on a different point in the arc of life, but somehow our co-location in this remote community of artists, business owners and free-thinkers enables us to develop a sense of affinity that transcends our differences.

Many of us work alone most of the time, so moments where we can meet and exchange news are life giving, especially when the exchanges are constructive and amicable.

There are several places with free WiFi where students and business people can touch down for Internet access while stoking up on food and catching up on local doings. The local Library, coffee shops, and restaurants provide convenient gathering points where even the busiest citizens can find a minute for greetings and a quick sharing of news and business opportunities.

The tiny downtown Floyd area encourages foot traffic and in warmer weather we will always see clusters of conversations between locals and visitors. In this winter weather, the bundled up pedestrians make do with a wave and short greetings left drifting like smoke signals in the frosty air.

However it has come about, there is a sense of community here that seems to encourage a continuing sense of quiet optimism that we have the resolve to weather whatever comes our way.

Now that I am back on my feet and feeling creative again, I want to help others as they have been helping me. That is one of the greatest pleasures imaginable, being able to help again.

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