Developing Trust With Others – Part Two

We all know instinctively that we get what we focus attention on. However, when we are taught a system for doing something, we tend to monitor our progress by checking off steps that we have done and also by seeing if we have gotten the result we were looking for.

In almost every field of physical and mental healing, there are processes that produce a reliable result for most of a population of participants. If the percentage of failures is small enough, there are additional processes to fix the failure of the initial processes. The monitoring process is usually limited to two areas, were the usual steps done correctly, and did the participating subject achieve the state desired.

This approach focuses on the rote application of known technology until success is achieved. There are other schools of healing where all the attention is placed on the mental, physical, and spiritual state of the participating subject, and less attention is placed on what is being done to achieve the desired result.

In Scientology counseling a lot of attention is placed on the intention and delivery of commands with the proper amount of intention, affinity, and reality to achieve control of the subjects thinking and behavior so that he will be led to understand what has been troubling him and let go of it. The counselor is called an auditor because he is supposed to listen to what his subject is saying and respond appropriately with the next command on the list. He is not given much leeway to change his procedures and will be corrected if he departs from what has been prescribed for this action. This type of counseling depends on the viewpoint that there is a standard process that handles all persons getting this auditing. Having used this type of counseling for 20 years, I can state that it works pretty well on 75 percent of the subjects I used it on. For the other 25 percent, original thinking and observation were required, and this was discouraged by most of the case supervisors I encountered. If the subject came in with a higher state of case than expected, he was usually not handled well. Although Scientology recognizes that spirits are immortal, most staff members have difficulty accepting that the new guy or girl may have received auditing in an earlier life. They are not trained to look at the person in front of them and judge for themselves what the person really needs.

In SRT, we spend a lot more effort actually duplicating what is going on with a new person and responding to what the person needs. We focus on the beings who are affecting the person in negative ways, and we work to release them from the incidents they are stuck in. We also free the individual himself from incidents they are stuck in. We use caring communication to help raise the awareness of those we are working with, and we have been successful in about 95% of the people we have worked with. We have not been as successful where we did not truly understand what the person needed and wanted and just went on helping their spirits to wake up and recover their free will. Our technology is that powerful that we can raise the awareness of a spirit without improving the ability of the being running the body. This is like healing someone with a touch without getting the individual’s agreement. As I said at the beginning, we get what we focus on.

I have recently discovered that our failure to develop a spirit of trust with our clients before trying to help them resulted in an eventual failure of the counselor/client relationship. When there is trust, the client will be cooperating with the counselor while the counselor finds the process needed to solve the client’s problem. The client and the counselor are working in perfect harmony to find and handle whatever is affecting the client’s life. There are a million different ways that spirits can affect your life, and we have been very successful in getting spirits to trust us and release them from the trap they are in. However, we have not been focusing on taking steps to ensure that our clients feel they can trust us. We were focusing on getting a release for our clients and neglecting the basics of developing trust between client and counselor. The result is that clients who trusted us got spectacular releases, and those who had not been properly handled to develop trust got results, but they either didn’t last or were not spectacular.

The bottom line to all of this is that developing trust is essential if SRT counseling is to work as intended.
In the next parts of this series, we will cover the many ways we can establish trust with others so we can help them.

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