Modifying Your Personality Type For Fun And Profit – Part 2

We discovered several years ago that not only are we surrounded by spirits who can influence and control us, but we also have beings who have been operating as parts of our personality, essentially giving us composite personalities.

Some of us have long been aware that we would find ourselves doing things we did not expect at times, and it was a relief to learn that weren’t crazy, we were merely possessed by other beings at times.

To give you the proper perspective, we are every one of us, a cluster of beings acting as a composite personality and are running an organic body composed of clusters of beings which operate as an integrated stimulus-response system under our direction.

Our personalities are a mosaic of the personalities of the beings who have decided to operate as a single functioning human being. SRT processing can rearrange the beings who are playing the role we have assumed in life and this makes it possible to modify our personality and our behavior if we wish. 

The beings who have assumed positions in our public personality seem to act as a team. Some play an executive role and control how we think and act and respond to our environment. Others seem to play a subordinate role and perform routine activities like putting on clothes, brushing our teeth, washing ourselves, and driving the car while commuting while the executive group plans on what to do when the car arrives at the destination. There are other beings in the group who only show themselves when there is danger or subjects like religion or politics are being discussed. There are other beings who keep watch for possible sexual partners and only surface when a possible target comes into view.

With all of these beings operating autonomously, it can be hard for this composite personality to stay in present time. The beings operating in executive mode are very likely to turn on the cruise control and let the body do what it is inclined to do while the executive group plans and daydreams about past glories and better times ahead.

In a stressful or threatening environment, we can generally manage to keep our attention focused on the present moment. At times like these, the spirits who are used to working with us act in unison and multiply our abilities. If some of them are triggered by environmental factors, our performance is affected and we lose control of the situation. If someone criticizes us in front of our peers, we may lose control and lapse into a fight or flight mode because of the reactions of the spirits who are triggered. This is why some people cannot speak up when they are criticized unfairly and others lash out at the slightest hint of disapproval.

Once you realize that your personality is an amalgam of many other personalities this opens the door to changing your personality with SRT. (Amalgam: a distinct entity formed by the combining of two or more different things.) It can be very fast and the change is permanent once you locate the beings who are giving you personality traits that are not helping you in your life and work.

You may have been happy and satisfied at a particular level in an organization with a particular set of personality traits but are eager to take on more responsibility in a different position in the organization. If you are serious about taking on a different responsibility, you need to carefully research what personality traits will be needed to succeed at that level. You will probably find that the traits that made you popular in your current position will not bring you favorable notice in your new position. You may find that you need to be more resolute and less forgiving and affectionate. On the other hand, you may find that you need to put the needs of others ahead of your own. Any and all of these personality changes are possible if you write up an ideal scene for yourself and get SRT processing to handle the changes you seek to achieve.

Let’s say that you are currently single and would like to develop a lasting relationship but have not been able to do that successfully in the past. Your spiritual partners who make up your personality are probably responsible for that condition. If you were to write up an ideal scene for yourself in a relationship, an SRT counselor would be able to help you rearrange the beings who are helping you be you to make you into a version of you who is comfortable in a successful relationship.

Life keeps presenting us with new challenges. If you find yourself having difficulty dealing with some changes, consider using SRT and making yourself into a person who can profit from the changes. Your personality and skill set can be varied to meet your future needs as often as you need.

In Part 3, I will be discussing specific process steps to change your personality in any way you wish.

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