Modifying Your Personality Type For Fun And Profit – Part 3

…and we’re back! You may have thought I lost the trail with my recent discoveries about glowing things right, but it is simply a matter of contagion of inspiration. When you have a bunch of excited spiritual beings helping you write articles, some of them break away and start another thread before you complete the earlier ones.

If you do not ride herd on your spiritual companions, you may find yourself skittering away on exciting detours as they begin to pick up speed and certainty. So how does this relate to modifying your personality?

If you do not write down your ideal scene for a project, you are probably trying to make it up as you go. This does work after a fashion, but it means that you can be distracted when a new and exciting idea is presented to you in the midst of fleshing out an existing project.

Winging it may be exciting, but running with a plan is far more likely to produce results in the end. You can start by writing down a plan for the day and sticking to it until it has been done. Make the first item on your daily plan spotting unproductive activities and listing them as they are discovered. I can almost guarantee that this will end up distracting you and lead you into all sorts of dead ends.

Make the second item on your daily list eating lunch as this will make a neat end to your listing of unproductive actions.

The third item on your list is to find the unproductive activity you least want to handle and locate the resistance to handling that activity. This will be the activity that has persisted for the longest time. It might be cleaning your desk or picking up your room, but this task is being held in place by an intention that you have been ignoring for a very long time. When you locate that intention and the beings who are holding it in place, then you can go to work and find out what they are actually doing. Use caring communication and find out who sent them or gave them instructions to do what they are doing. Once you get in communication with these beings, it is usually quite easy to wake them up and get them to do something else.

If you find yourself stalling on this activity, you need to call in a partner who will keep you in present time while you deal with these beings. Once you handle the unproductive activity, you will feel a resurgence in your personal vitality and should declare it a win and do something else.

Give yourself a reward of some pleasurable activity and make up another list of things to accomplish for tomorrow. You may find that recording your realizations in a notebook will give you the impetus to keep looking at your personality and comparing it to what you need to be to achieve your short-term and long-term goals.

Continue handling unproductive activities and alternating with planning changes you want to see in yourself until you are working flat out on projects that have your full interest and are making your feel serenely confident that you are doing the right things. By this time you will have realized that unproductive activities are powered by intentions that are not making you more powerful. You will begin to recognize that there are intentions which are aligned with yours and you will take steps to join in with the people and beings who are aligned with you most closely.

Somewhere along the way, you will begin to spot the counter-intentions in yourself that should be removed and you will begin to spot the beings responsible and ease them out of your life. Each time you release a being who has counter-intention to you, you restore your certainty and personal power.

Since your responsibility keeps changing as you grow, your personality may need to change to better reflect your new role in life. Only you can make that decision, but you will find that there is a set of skills and personality traits that are more suitable for the different roles you will play in life. The best test of the suitability of a personality trait is whether it aligns with or augments the overall intention of your main role in life.

A personality is a complex thing and you can easily see for yourself where your strengths and interests are by taking the test at the beginning of the first article.

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