I’ve had a few nibbles on my offer of free sign stencils and one solid strike, but no big rush.
It seems that non-profit organizations perk their ears up at the word "Free", but they make decisions more deliberately and I have not had any definite sign requests yet from them.
On the other hand, my ham radio expert neighbor has already put in an order for a call sign sign to be delivered as soon as I can make it.
There are four more days to get a free custom sign stencil and we will see what happens on that front. So far, the results seem to indicate that this is not a priority item in this area.
On the other hand, my phone has been ringing with more urgent framing requests than usual and I will have my hands full for the next week or so. This framing activity started this morning after I posted yesterday’s article and I firmly believe that the outflow has a definite part in creating the inflow.
For the past twenty years, I have been observing that almost every service-oriented outflow has produced a corresponding inflow of work opportunities or customer orders. Part of it may be that outflowing takes my mind off a demand for inflow and puts it on creating opportunities for others. The absence of any "must have income" attitude seems to open up communication channels and people call out of nowhere to discuss doing business!
Has anyone else noticed this phenomena?
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