Illness And Injury Always Have A Spiritual Component

Nothing happens unless an intention causes it. The only sources of intentions are spirits. Things don’t just happen, they are always caused. The only reason this remains a mystery to people is that they cannot perceive spirits and prefer a mystery to question authority and finding the real cause. If the doctor says your illness comes from your diet, who are you to tell him of the images that haunt you at night?

Sick Person With Spiritual Distress

If you are willing to spend a few moments reading further, I will be happy to share what I have discovered in 45 years of counseling people in various stages of health. Spirits animate all life and they generally do a fair job of keeping bodies alive and working well. We are surrounded by disembodied spirits, on this planet at least, and they affect us and even control us at times. If you have been indoctrinated to believe spirits are imaginary, I am afraid that the rest of this article will leave you frustrated and angry, because you will not be able to get help from spiritual healers.

You do not have to believe in spirits, but if your belief is that they are imaginary, then you will not recognize what they are capable of nor will you be able to control them in any way. If that is the case, you are in the same boat as some of my relatives, and your health and sanity will continue to be a mystery to you.

If you are willing to learn, you can consider spirits to be a kind of energy, as in life energy capable of animating animal and plant bodies. Every living thing is animated by spirits, you, your pets, your plants, the grass on your front lawn, and everything that lives and grows on this planet. When a living thing “dies”, all that happens is that the spirit goes elsewhere and picks up a new living thing to animate. It brings with it the memory of previous existences including all of the harmful things that have happened to it. In most cases, with humans at least, there seems to be a decision to shut down any memory of the past. This has its advantages because a small child with memories of past deaths can have a very difficult childhood.

However, the presence of a particular stimulus in the environment can bring back buried memories of danger and death and this can cause reactions that are extremely stressful to the body and to the mind. This can cause a person to lose control of what they are doing and harm themselves. The same thing can be observed if the person has had some serious accident during this lifetime because they will become uncertain in a similar situation. Lose control and injure themselves.

Disembodied spirits have lost the ability to animate a body, usually because of some severe incident involving great pain and death which convinced them they should not attempt to ever animate a body again. These spirits are still interested in the game of life and we attract them because of what we are doing and feeling. They have memories of good times and terrible times and these memories affect us in ways that most people do not understand.

Some people call these beings their spirit guides, while others consider them to be demons. They are all just disembodied spirits and you can communicate with them and even get them to work with you if you care to study my books.

So, how does all of this apply to your illnesses and injuries? You attract spirits by what you are doing and believing. If they like what you are doing, they stay with you and share their emotions and their ideas with you constantly. They also share their memories. Let’s say you come down with COVID or something else that reminds them of some plague they died of in the middle ages. They can go into a full dramatization of dying in France of the Black Plague in the 1300s or dying in England of the plague that killed 750,000 people in the 1600s.

Spirits are immortal and they have long, long memories of things that hurt them. You get sick and break out in spots and there is no telling what some spirits are going to remember and share with you. Your doctor gives you medicine to handle your disease, but he generally does not deal with the spiritual aspects of your illness. He gets perturbed when your illness lingers for months and does not respond to modern medical treatment. The point I am trying to make for you is that germs and viruses are real and deserve the best medical attention you can get, but when you do not recover promptly or your symptoms do not follow the usual guidelines, you need to look at the spiritual aspects of the situation and get a trusted spiritual counselor to see what is going on.

Even average people with happy lives can run into spiritual problems. You do your best to stay on top of things and try to be positive, but you visit your sick friend in the hospital and you feel miserable for several days thereafter. You have picked up some of the recently dead spirits who spotted you as the perfect way to get out of there and they followed you home and now are your constant companions. Unfortunately for you, they are still stuck in their recent death in bed or on the operating table and these memories will color your life until they leave or wake up and start helping you.

Some of you may be aware of people who seem to be cursed. They are sick all the time, or they exhibit strange ideas and behavior that come and go without warning. They are actually surrounded by hostile spirits who have a grudge against them for something they did which has never been resolved. You would think that all debts are forgiven when a person dies, but spirits are immortal and so are some grudges. Those who have done heinous deeds in past lives are often haunted by their victims who chose to spend centuries getting even rather than picking up a new body and getting on with life in a new existence.

Whatever the reason for an accident or illness, the wise person checks for the spiritual influence that caused it or is prolonging it. Getting in communication with the spirits can be done in many ways and there are countless forms of spiritual medicine in use today. My particular system is called Spiritual Rescue Technology and involves communicating with the spirits and freeing them from the incidents they are still stuck in. This technology can be learned from me or from the books I have written and there are more people every month who have taught themselves to use this to handle spiritual influences on their lives and health.

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