Free SRT Sessions For The Holidays – The Reluctance Rundown Pilot Program!

I have had another counseling breakthrough occur and I want to make sure my discovery applies to many people rather than just a few. If I can package this for general use, I will call it the Reluctance Rundown because it handles areas of your life you are reluctant to make decisions about.

Canvas Up Close series. Image of faces and symbols in colorful painting style in conceptual relevance to human relationships and connections with the world

I am going to describe the conditions for needing this rundown and if they apply to you, I will offer you a free session or sessions to handle the condition. There is no obligation and the results will be anonymized so no one will know you have participated unless you wish to share your results.

How would you know if you could take advantage of this rundown? There is some area of your life you wish to change and you have worked on it with no progress for some time. You may have written an ideal scene for this area but you can’t seem to finish it and get a product. When questioned about your progress in this area, you don’t feel is that big a problem and you would rather not discuss it. You do want a desirable result but you cannot seem to focus on it or do coherent actions to resolve it.

Whatever the issue is, you are reluctant to discuss it or to put your attention on it long enough to do anything effective.

This has not come up in counseling sessions because your attention never seems to touch on this area or it does not seem right or important to investigate it. You are reluctant to look at it and your spiritual companions are reluctant to discuss it with you.

If you have an area of your life that fits this description and you would like some relief from it, send me a private email at

I will take the first 10 requests for these free sessions and your sessions can start immediately. If it takes more than 10 sessions to define the parameters of this rundown, I will ask for more volunteers. Preliminary results indicate that this rundown releases a lot of charge and is amusing to do. Let’s get rid of some reluctance for the holiday season!

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